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Their TF Coordinator is barely working, like why? It's been 2 hours, and I haven't been able to play or do anything on steam.


Anybody else facing this situation? If not let me know so I can take action.

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1 hour ago, Communist said:

Their TF Coordinator is barely working, like why? It's been 2 hours, and I haven't been able to play or do anything on steam.


Anybody else facing this situation? If not let me know so I can take action.

"Counter-Strike: Global Offensive's game coordinator (GC) was unavailable for some time after a Steam platform outage earlier today, but is coming back online. Logons may be slower than usual when "CS:GO Sessions Logon" displays as Delayed or Surge."
I assume it's the same for tf2.

Source: https://steamstat.us/

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