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Is it allowed to trade with a scammer alt if the item you're trading for was unboxed by the account?


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A scammer alt added me and asked me if I wanted to trade for an unusual they unboxed (it's currently untradable for a few more days). I'm interested in trading for it, and it's clear to me it was unboxed on the scammer alt, so the item itself can't have been scammed. I know backpack has rules about trading with scammers and their alts, but if the item is 100% not scammed from anyone is it still against the rules to trade with them?

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25 minutes ago, skarl12 said:

A scammer alt added me and asked me if I wanted to trade for an unusual they unboxed (it's currently untradable for a few more days). I'm interested in trading for it, and it's clear to me it was unboxed on the scammer alt, so the item itself can't have been scammed. I know backpack has rules about trading with scammers and their alts, but if the item is 100% not scammed from anyone is it still against the rules to trade with them?


Hello, its not allowed, no. Doesn't matter if they unboxed it or who, if they are scammer or scammer alt/fence, avoid trading them.

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2 hours ago, skarl12 said:

A scammer alt added me and asked me if I wanted to trade for an unusual they unboxed (it's currently untradable for a few more days). I'm interested in trading for it, and it's clear to me it was unboxed on the scammer alt, so the item itself can't have been scammed. I know backpack has rules about trading with scammers and their alts, but if the item is 100% not scammed from anyone is it still against the rules to trade with them?

No you aren't safe to trade with

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37 minutes ago, Yellowsubs said:

probably scammed the keys to unbox anyway

probably true lmao


Trading with scammers is very risky. If you are caught, you will be banned. I wouldn't recommend it.

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1 hour ago, Pigeon said:

Create an alt. Am I right?


*proceeds to get banned*

Should be lucky hes actually asking. Im sure people out there who are aware of tech stuff/tricks wouldnt either bother asking. they would do there "thing" and get away with it. Its like you see these hats come from scammers and they go through a couple of different accounts then generally they usually end up in the top 100 backpacks. So if people think that the people at the top dont trade with scammers then your serious deluded.

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4 hours ago, DanielDee said:

your serious deluded

Im not saying NOONE in the top 100 doesnt trade with scammers, as thats literally invalid. People in the top 100 from time to time get temp bans for trading with scammers. However, a big majority of the users at top 100 do not trade with scammers. And the 


4 hours ago, DanielDee said:

they usually end up in the top 100 backpacks

has nothing to do with some conspiracy theory of them trading with scammers and covering their tracks. If someone not in the top 100 trades a scammer and then trades the hat they got from the scammer to someone in the top 100, thats just high tier trading lol.

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