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Tagging multiple items at once

Xerye  trade.tf  📱✔

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There is the feature that lets you tag items in your bp.tf inventory with a color and text.
Thats really cool.

Now I need to tag multiple hundrets of items with the same color and text, is there some way to select multiple items and tag them all at once with the same color and text?
Or do I have todo it for each and every item individually? I hope not, as it would take alot time todo that xD

Im happy about any answers, cheers :D

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I Don't think there's currently a way to do that but would be really useful if it was implemented 

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Oh no! Dx

If its gonna be implemented, I'll probably wait until that happens ahaha xD

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oof :D

I allready tagged almost all my items especially those for sale with links to my other sales on classfieds, but i just realised that a small pice of the link changed so all my tags are leading into deadlinks and ive to retag everything... =(

Thats why i thought I'll ask here because I did not see a multitag feature to make sure that I just didnt see it and its actually there haha ^^

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lmao snailiad xD 
how is my coll candycane doin? ^_^

alex, that would be great!

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