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Looking for workshop content creators to team up with

Dazed & Confused

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I was wondering if anybody wanted to group up to create some workshop submissions, can be hats, maps and unusuals

If you want to participate you need to comment an application form as so, request to join the steam group ( https://steamcommunity.com/groups/TF2WorkshopCreators )  and I will add you to our steam group.

The application form should be as follows (using my application as an example):

Main skill: Modelling for hats (example: https://imgur.com/VqGlSxs )

Other skills: Promo Creation (Eg: https://imgur.com/a/nKquQBs ), Texturing (limited) (Eg: https://imgur.com/oLWXlvz ), Map Decorating (and creation, though not good with game-play) , Particle Creation (limited)

Timezone: EU

Notes: (optional)


I know this seems formal but it doesn't have to be.

I'm mainly interested in finding a concept creator, a texture creator, a map designer (from a game-play perspective) and somebody familiar with the particle editor.

Looking forward to working with you! : D


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