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Price Sug Help


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Evening all,


A friend of mine suggested recently that I should try and get my Sensei a more accurate price, and since its been quite some time since the sale I probably don't have much longer left before this sale is invalid. I don't think any of the others have changed hands in the last 6 months so I'm not sure how this affects the sale. I've never done a sug before so yeah.




From the compare link I think I paid ~45 pure + H Ghosts Baker Boi, Duped Burning Merryweather, and GE Samureye, and he included a double spelled nade launcher valued about 2 (a little on the high side but eh)


Merryweather is priced 95 7 months ago, seems recent enough? 2 QB at 76 for duped/clean so I'd say 95 stands up


Samureye has a year old price. I'm assuming I need a mini? (Not going to be fun without premium)


Baker boi has a pretty fresh price at 25.5


Assuming the Samureye ends up around 70



Any help advice would be appreciated.



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@merryweather bit

7 months is too old, anything older than 3 months is considered outdated

"2 QB at 76 for duped/clean so I'd say 95 stands up " makes no sense at all


make sure to take a read through the guide though


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