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Neologism: Divitiam


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Short definition:
A person who offers insane or overpay amounts on items not for sale so the person is forced to give in/sell


Example 1:

An elderly woman has a home she has lived in for 50 years and does not want to move out of, she ignores all offers from real estate agents trying to make apartment blocks until they offer her an insane overpay amount (e.g. 3m as opposed to 1m) so she decides to give in and sell it to them


Example 2:

Aaron has a car he drives, it's a pretty uncommon car, but he likes it. It is not for sale as he has become attached to the car and doesn't really need to upgrade it as it works fine. This car is worth $10000 and he gets offered $8000, he declines, he then gets offered $10000 and still declines, so the Divitiam person decides he really wants the item especially since the person won't give it away easily and decides to offer $15000, so Aaron gives in and takes it


Word in context:

"Dude I sold my car today, I didn't really want to but he was such a Divitiam."


Example 3 (TF2 Related):

Bobby has an Australium scattergun in his inventory that he uses because he is a scout main and even has a red tag indicating it is "NFS" (Not for sale). Danny comes along and is looking for a specific Australium scatter with a spell, he sees through scrounging through premium that Bobby's scattergun has a spell on it so he decides to offer on the 33 key item. Danny first offers 33 keys, Bobby declines and indicates that it is NFS. Danny then decides to offer again, 40 keys. Bobby declines again. Danny gets annoyed as he both wants the scattergun and also has a sociopathic/power hungry tendency to want to take the item off him more as he knows its not for sale. Danny then offers 57 keys and Bobby is forced to give into his prized possession. Bobby didn't really want to sell it but Danny gave such a good offer that he was forced to give in.



The word Divitam comes from the Latin word "divitiae" which means "Riches, Wealth"




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5 hours ago, soz said:

Whats neologism

A quick google will tell you:


"a newly coined word or expression."


Neologisms are pretty much words that are new or made up by someone and aren't real or mainstream words. Taken the idea from r/Neologisms

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5 hours ago, Neo_ said:

The only thing forcing ya is called greed


Not necessarily, I just sold my pro ks festivized collectors Jag for 20 keys (goes for 14?), I didn't want to sell it, and no the reason was not greed on why I sold it, is because there was a exorcism one for 19 keys (same everything just had exorcism added) so basically I took it because I could just buy that one and save a key + get exorcism :P


There are some other examples I've definitely had, and some were I guess towards "greed" as I liked the pure I spose.

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Just dumb buyers lmao, typically not traders but if you ever get someone overpaying a burning war pig for a hween, you're doing great



Nudge nudge I see you reading this 

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1 hour ago, WinstonHobbs said:

How do you pronounce this? I think of it as dih vih  shee ahm, is that correct?




Div (like divinity)

It (it)

Ti (tee)

am (like Liam)



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8 hours ago, Bekfust said:

Hmm so how do we get more of these things called divitiams into tf2?







p.s buy my shit pls


Encourage more rich people who just care about the item and not the worth into the game ;) 


2 hours ago, AJ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) said:

Just dumb buyers lmao, typically not traders but if you ever get someone overpaying a burning war pig for a hween, you're doing great



Nudge nudge I see you reading this 



Well.... I guess you've just called out some forumers here too....


Dammit AJ ;) . But sometimes you have a very specific item they want, doesn't have to be dumb buyers, sometimes just lazy (e.g. they could make the item themselves but would rather save time and overpay on urs, e.g. they like ur ks/sheen, or ur spell, or parts, or all 3 like what happened with my scattergun, though with my australium scatter they offered about 30 keys overprice and i still said no, cause its never for sale, one of the only item's I'd ever keep in tf2 rn)

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just make a classified for an absurd amount and tell them to pay that. Like a golden pan or something.

12 minutes ago, JayTee said:


Encourage more rich people who just care about the item and not the worth into the game ;) 




Well.... I guess you've just called out some forumers here too....


Dammit AJ ;) . But sometimes you have a very specific item they want, doesn't have to be dumb buyers, sometimes just lazy (e.g. they could make the item themselves but would rather save time and overpay on urs, e.g. they like ur ks/sheen, or ur spell, or parts, or all 3 like what happened with my scattergun, though with my australium scatter they offered about 30 keys overprice and i still said no, cause its never for sale, one of the only item's I'd ever keep in tf2 rn)


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yeah but there is a different between the divitiam and lack of knowledge idk


it caters to a specific mindset does it not?

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2 hours ago, AJ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) said:

yeah but there is a different between the divitiam and lack of knowledge idk


it caters to a specific mindset does it not?


Possibly, but I doubt its lack of knowledge when they literally came from your listing or another listing and saw that u had it in ur backpack on backpack.tf and saw the price of it.

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