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Price Check


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Hello, I got giftapulted(thats what it was called iirc) a Strange Flamethrower a while ago with parts attached(Projectiles Reflected, Teammates Extinguished, Damage Dealt) which are worth keys(1.8,2.15-2.2, and 3.45-3.75 respectively), or so the site tells me. On the box it tells me it's worth 35.85 ref but the suggested value is 4.11-4.22 ref. Now I'm confused, is it worth any keys or do the parts not add value? How much should I sell it for?

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suggested price means its the price of the strange flamethrower alone.


the box says 35 refs or so because it adds the price up due to strange parts.however the prices of the parts wont add completely 100$ of the value.instead only an x% of value is counted.this goes the same to painted hats.on some cases,you can add more value depending your strange item.



lets say a strange australium flamethrower.because this item is rather expensive and used very commonly in trading and playing,people would be willing to pay extra with good parts

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