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Key prices?


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Hey all,
Key prices are approaching 40 refined now... Remember those good old days when they were 5 refined. Whats people's opinion on this? Maybe if we all sold our keys it would go down. Doesn't seem like a bad idea. Maybe if we did it we could end up with more keys than we started off with. Tbh who's buying for that kind of price...
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Bcs the price of the keys is still stable (2,15 + - €) the keys aren't actually going up, ref is just going down, bcs from every new weapon we get in-game, the more ref is dropping in price bcs more ref is created from those weapons that we get.

This is the truth....altough really sad one :(

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Keys used to be 1ref each. As were every day crates and craft hats. Times have changed. Keys will likely continue to go up in relation to refined metal, this isn't anything new. People were complaining when keys raised to 1.3 ref. If this is an important issue to you, in my opinion ask valve for refined metal sinks similar to the bread box or the golden wrench. Though the golden wrench was before trading came out. I personally don't think it is a key issue though I'd prefer there be more ref sinks than just crafting hats. 

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