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Filter the Recent changes


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So every time i click the recent changes this massive list of unusuals and collector's items appears. Why do I need to see that? And I think it's even more annoying for the poorer ones.

Simply; adding a filter for what items we'd like to see there would be awesome. First page images would not change according to this (or add a setting for that too).

Personally stranges is what'd interest me the most.

Anyone else?



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I think this would be useful and would love to see it added! I know what you mean about only wanting to see certain qualities! :)


yeah there should be an option that you can only see the changes of the qualities you want to see / turn off qualities you dont want to see

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No genuines either? :(

You and your genuines xD

Well I was thinking you can filter whatever you want so you can turn on and off certain qualities. Unusual traders may not need to know what happens to genuines and vintages and so on. It would also be easy to implement since you already can select "Sort by recent price" in http://backpack.tf/pricelist and also select a quality, but the Recent changes page would be better for a nice overview where you instead of filtering by quality you get the same list as before but without the qualities you want, maybe with the option to add exceptions. I don't really know how advanced you'd want to make it but toggling On/Off certain qualities would be the least in my opinion, maybe item type too if you don't care about S. Cosmetics but you're crazy about weps. I'm not too good at paint so I can't give a splendid example, unfortunately...

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I find myself only voting on the "Newest Suggestions" for some reason.

I also find myself reluctant on voting on Unusual Suggestions.

Guess what happens when the entire "Newest Suggestions" list is of Unusual Suggestions.


I would also like something like this for which suggestions appear on the home page.

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