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What's a good all-class for 150-180 keys?


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I'm tempted to get a nebula translator or some halloween effect. Or I could get a double unusual combo (of course not as good effects)

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15 minutes ago, Adolf Storms said:

scorching tundra top. cheap, all-class, gr8 effect, dirt effin cheap atm

One of my dream hat, but it will keep dropping like the airdog from like 100 keys to now like 30 keys thats insane

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2 hours ago, Ankle Jack said:

One of my dream hat, but it will keep dropping like the airdog from like 100 keys to now like 30 keys thats insane

doubtfull it will drop. painfully cheap scorching all-class on a gr8 hat.

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5 hours ago, aSmallGreenDot said:

I'm tempted to get a nebula translator or some halloween effect. Or I could get a double unusual combo (of course not as good effects)

Buy a universal trabslator. You won’t regret it. Otherwise buy my unusual snowmann! :3

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16 minutes ago, R3SP4WN said:

Buy a universal trabslator. You won’t regret it. Otherwise buy my unusual snowmann! :3

I know that translator is popular, so probably easy to resell if I ever want to. 

Isn't the cheapest snowmann like 300 keys though? lol

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Might be worth looking at the d@d Killer exclusive, very nice effect on a nice hat, and if you've got it all pure you might be able to force down one of the sellers on the roboactive brown bomber. If you pick up a cold snap cap then you can pair it with a Max's which looks nice. Tundra tops, as already mentioned are dirt cheap as well, although I think they have a little further left to fall

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I used to own this and I really enjoyed it:



I also think Patriot's Peaks look very sharp. Painted black or white they go with a lot of other cosmetics.You could definitely afford higher tier one of those. Something like GE or DBD would look nice.



Dapper Topper is another good one in my opinion, and theres lots in your price range. It's kind of a silly looking hat but its paintable which can make your loadout look really poppin' if your other cosmetics match the same paint color.


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