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Impolite scammers/phishers


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Don't you hate it when someone sends you a friend request, and when spoken to ,he tells you that they are interested in that long listed item, that awfull thing you bought in hope that you will make some profit out of.The item that for moths no one ever wanted or offered little to nothing for it, in comparison to its value...(small traders will understand)


"Finally!" You say to yourself.


A feeling of happines and excitement fills your heart. He questions the price, and the amount you want in pure...he agrees with the price aaand...

"I want to check if the [insert item here] is marketable. Here use this site: TotallyNotScam.trade.tf to provide me with the indix and definix of the item(yea...that happened)"


But you already knew... it was too good to be true. So in the meantime you looked up his steam and his backpack.tf profile. Disappointed..and sad ..."There is no such thing as indix or definix of an item, and that site is tottaly a phishing site" you say to the stranger.



"yeah but there's a thing called a f...ing nerd. ugly c..t"

 Swarm of other poorly written insults and then..

 *Removed* .  Tell me, don't you hate it when that happens?  Is there a way to stop these people? Ban their life or something?

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All you can really do is block them and move on. Maybe waste their time while you're at it, every moment they're spending on someone who knows it's a scam is a moment not spent on someone who may not realize.

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I started Unusual trading again back with like 3 months ago and now i have like 210 keys worth of backpack but there are total around 70 scammers added me when im trading. Once your backpack is much higher, there would be less scammers adding you .Exactly if you use tf2outpost(R.I.P) there are manys scammer will add you almost every single day.

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I block them before they even communicate with me. I would waste as much of their time possible but either I don't have time, or i'm just too lazy to do so. :P


As soon as they have a private inventory, I can instantly tell they're a scammer. Sometimes scammers that add me also have less than 2 hours TF2 gameplay, so it wouldn't make sense anyways why someone who barely plays TF2 would be interested in some items from a game they rarely play.


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8 hours ago, Weedoof said:

All you can really do is block them and move on. Maybe waste their time while you're at it, every moment they're spending on someone who knows it's a scam is a moment not spent on someone who may not realize.


I like playing along with these scammers too, they will regret that that the scammer has wasted time on someone who knows their schematics

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Haha, I love doing that. Scammers used to CONSTANTLY add me when my Unusual was at the top of my inventory. I would always waste their time, and it's the funniest thing to do. Now I don't get those requests (good or bad thing?)


But, like above, just remove and block them. What I do is I follow them immediately after they add me so that if they remove and block me first, I still have them followed so I can put them on my steadily growing block-list.

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Bought/traded for some CSGO knifes my kid wanted. Over 6 months ago he got a: FN M-9 Bayonet (T.tooth) and MW Karambit (Freehand) and since then hes been getting 3-10 "friend"-invites daily, he has never listed an item anywhere in any game. He/we have accepted a few and its about 50% beggars and 50% scammers.

Its just crazy! And I thought TF2 had many scammers before this...

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