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do strange shields count melee kills while charging+shield bashes or just shield bashes? I'm gonna invest in that strange splendid screen either way just can't seem to find a straight answer on it. 

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15 minutes ago, Scott Bakula said:

It used to be just the shield bash, but now it counts all kills made.

I´m not sure about that. Well, technically Strange weapons, count stats made with the item, so it should be only kills by charging into someone´s face.


In strange items, only exceptions are wrenches of all kind (counts sentry kills, by tracking stats of objects assigned to a player), Cosmetics (counting stats while worn), and mediguns (counting übers as well as assists recieved by your patient getting a kill while healed)

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As I said, that's how it used to be. But when the Tough Break update dropped, it was changed to start counting kills made with primary and melee weapons as well as shield bashes.

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As a strange shield owner I can confirm it counts all kills, no way my shield has 2,300 kills from just shield bashing.


Killstreaks are another matter. Kills you get from the shield bash do add to your killstreak but not kills from any other weapon, however if you have a pro ks shield and only spec/normal ks melee/primary then you will always have the shield eye effect active (after you get more than 5 kills ofc). From my experience you get priority eye effect from your active weapon so if all your demo weapons have a pro ks getting it on the shield is useless and only acts as a spec kit. Iirc your weapon sheen doesn't change the shield's eye color either (holding a green pill launcher with a purple tornado shield does not make the tornado effect turn green).

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13 hours ago, SneakySpinarak said:

do strange shields count melee kills while charging+shield bashes or just shield bashes? I'm gonna invest in that strange splendid screen either way just can't seem to find a straight answer on it. 


i believe splendid screen counts melee kills + bash kills, but chargin' targe only counts bash kills since the update. It's been a few months since I sold both mine and went with collector's... but to the best of my memory that's the way it is now. don't believe it's in the patch notes tho

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35 minutes ago, Adolf Storms said:


i believe splendid screen counts melee kills + bash kills, but chargin' targe only counts bash kills since the update. It's been a few months since I sold both mine and went with collector's... but to the best of my memory that's the way it is now. don't believe it's in the patch notes tho

alright cool thanks, yeah I had searched the patch notes and wiki and couldn't find anything

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