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Strange Unusual, but no strangifier. Value?


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So I found myself aquiring a strange Unusual Killer Exclusive (smoking) and don't know if there is any way to pin point any estimate value

I'm no trader and just made the account, not gonna sell at any point, so it's just a curious thing

If anyone experienced could share their opinions it would be appreciated


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Not everything is getting the strange quality from strangifiers. Hats can be strange if they're unboxed from a crate. If you get a hat, there's a chance for an unusual hat, a strange hat, and a strange unusual one (and ofc a unique one if it's the original crates, and a tiered one if you get it from the newer cosmetic cases)

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2 hours ago, BlastFM said:

Not everything is getting the strange quality from strangifiers. Hats can be strange if they're unboxed from a crate. If you get a hat, there's a chance for an unusual hat, a strange hat, and a strange unusual one (and ofc a unique one if it's the original crates, and a tiered one if you get it from the newer cosmetic cases)

I uh, I think he knows that, based on the thread's title...

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From my experience if hat is cool looking but affordable you can get some nice % bump over regular price or you can sell it faster since people love them more..

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