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So... Politics.

Hatch Rawer Beryl

Politics, assuming you are American.  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. What political party do you support and/or are a part of?

    • Republican
    • Democrat
    • Other
    • I don't care
    • I'm a moderate
    • Green
    • Libertarian
    • Constitution
  2. 2. Do you support President Obama?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I don't care.
    • Yes, but not 100%

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The poll is private, I just want to see what the general consensus is on the site.


I have both democratic views and republican. I am what you would call a fence sitter.


And no I do not support Obama, or the Obamacare or Obama administration.


I support my right to have my 2 AR-15s. I will willing give up (if asked) my ARs when Obama or any other president rids their children's body guards of having concealed full auto SMGs in a HIGHSCHOOL.


I support a flat 15-17% tax and ridding the US of the IRS. That way EVERYONE pays taxes, regardless of wealth, race or gender. I also believe the US should cut off funding to war torn nations and focus that money more into domestic issues. 


Welfare - either get rid of it or enforce mandatory drug screening. I shouldn't have to pay for 40's, gold teeth, chrome bumpers, drugs or tattoos just because some people "can't find a job"


Disband the "law" that allows children of senate and representatives to have college essentially for free.


Make gay marriage legal. If they want to be together and have the same fights/rights as straight marriage, let em. 


Remove forces from that sandy hell of the middle east. Let them destroy each other. We have enough oil reserves to survive until they finish their "holy fight" and a single collective of people are left.


Strike first and napalm N. Korea. That way we wont have to worry about them NUKING 2 of the largest economies in the world in their "blaze of glory" way out. Japan has been through that already, not that great of a thing to survive.


 Lastly. deportation of illegals isnt enough. Deport, revoke citizenship of the employers that hire said illegals back to their country with their employees.


So you have one option ("other") for every option besides ambivalence and the two biggest parties?


What about Green Party? Constitution party? Libertarian party? American Independent party? What about unaffiliated moderates?


It's these sort of false dichotomies that give American politics such a divisive atmosphere.


So you have one option ("other") for every option besides ambivalence and the two biggest parties?


What about Green Party? Constitution party? Libertarian party? American Independent party? What about unaffiliated moderates?


It's these sort of false dichotomies that give American politics such a divisive atmosphere.


Added a "Moderate" Option.


Added a "Moderate" Option.


I fear you missed my point.


I fear you missed my point.


Also rephrased my first question and added several other parties.




I support my right to have my 2 AR-15s. I will willing give up (if asked) my ARs when Obama or any other president rids their children's body guards of having concealed full auto SMGs in a HIGHSCHOOL.


Welfare - either get rid of it or enforce mandatory drug screening. I shouldn't have to pay for 40's, gold teeth, chrome bumpers, drugs or tattoos just because some people "can't find a job"


Strike first and napalm N. Korea. That way we wont have to worry about them NUKING 2 of the largest economies in the world in their "blaze of glory" way out. Japan has been through that already, not that great of a thing to survive.

But if guns are banned then all crime will disappear. (I actually love this fucking argument....do people just forget that most drugs are illegal, stealing is illegal, killing is illegal...)


As for welfare, i say take a more socialist approach...you want to be on welfare? then you do whatever job the governement needs done... (The only issue is this leads to the rise of the socialist party, but mehhh we're heading there anyway).


Force people to support themselves, just cut off welfare. Once I wrote an essay about euthanizing people who are on the verge of death by poverty, and included reasons to back up. I alienated my classmates with that but I still got a good grade on it.


The government should also support gay marriage. Less babies and stuff.


I am really tempted to click the Libertarian option in the poll, even though I'm not Libertarian, just because all the other options have exactly 1 vote...


But if guns are banned then all crime will disappear. (I actually love this fucking argument....do people just forget that most drugs are illegal, stealing is illegal, killing is illegal...)


As for welfare, i say take a more socialist approach...you want to be on welfare? then you do whatever job the governement needs done... (The only issue is this leads to the rise of the socialist party, but mehhh we're heading there anyway).

I agree, most retarded argument I have heard thus far about gun control. Also, I never said ban guns. I don't think Pablo from across the border gives two shits about the laws of a country as long as he gets that suppository of heroin out of his ass and starts slinging the shit. 


I will never be without a gun of some sort; be it a pistol, AR, shotty, etc. Never gonna give Pablo the upper hand.


Personally I say to completely rid the US of welfare. Lets see how many of the "unable to work" are miraculously cured of any and all "ailments" once they have to choose between a fix and a roof over their head. 


I used to be a Republican. Then I realized some of my beliefs were more left-wing. And also that the GOP is a bit of a failure. 


I'm a moderate now, and not affiliated with any one party. 


I do not support President Barack Obama, for the most part. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. He fucked up during his first term. Are we better off now than in 2008? No. 


I wish we had Ronald Reagan as President again. That would be nice.


Once I wrote an essay about euthanizing people who are on the verge of death by poverty, and included reasons to back up. I alienated my classmates with that but I still got a good grade on it.


Was this an ethics course?


The government should also support gay marriage. Less babies and stuff.


How would legalizing gay marriage reduce the amount of child births?


I am really tempted to click the Libertarian option in the poll, even though I'm not Libertarian, just because all the other options have exactly 1 vote...





Maybe I'm just committed to equality


I support obama because he's black, that's the only reason.


I support obama because he's black, that's the only reason.


do you support Michael Jackson?


why there no communist vote ? :(


edit oops i din't read "assuming you are American."


I'm a registered republican, however my ideas lean more libertarian (fiscally conservative and socially liberal). An example would be less government waste/spending and more personal freedom and liberties (gay marriage, abortion, smoking marijuana  smoking in general, etc.) . I also support state's rights and allowing each state be built by and for the people as this nation was built upon the "laboratories of democracy" idea. Let each state do what they want and come to a conclusion that way.

And no. I don't support the current administration. The only thing I can possibly think of that I approved of this president was killing Bin Laden. That's about it.


Oh I also forgot to mention in my rant above.


Death penalty: All for it. Scientifically proven rapists and child molesters: slowly tortured to death castration and cauterization included. No mercy for those fucks. Murderers: killed the same way as they killed. Eye for an eye.


Abortion: All for it. Woman's choice, the human body cannot "just block it" <- most retarded statement Ive ever heard come from a politician's mouth. 


Marijuana: Legalize it. Federally. Does less harm over time than alcohol, of course put restrictions on it, just like alcohol & tax the shit out of it. Everyone wins. 


Death penalty: All for it. Scientifically proven rapists and child molesters: slowly tortured to death castration and cauterization included. No mercy for those fucks. Murderers: killed the same way as they killed. Eye for an eye.

While I'm against the idea of capital punishment (however I'm not asking to reform the law) I don't think your example of the death penalty would fit well in this country. You know, that whole constitution, Eighth Amendment thing, lol. But I understand the emotion.


On the topic of gun control, I have a few arguments to bring up. 


1st is the Second Amendment, reserving the right to bear arms. This was created if a situation involving a tyrannical (excuse my spelling, steam browser no spell check) government in the U.S. were ever to arise. A very simple idea: if citizens have big guns and the government has big guns the citizens would be able to properly defend themselves more or less in a situation of citizens v. an American tyrant or a similar case. If the citizens lose more and more big guns and the government keeps all of their big guns, citizens are less capable of defending themselves. An example here is a proposed restriction on semi-automatic weapons. If it passes, citizens have only hunting rifles and shotguns as compared to fully automatic weapons, that is if the executive body seizes complete control of the nation and attempts a "pacification" program on the U.S. (this is the most likely as compared to other civil war situations of the U.S. with military takeover being second). I'd like to add an unrelated note to this: don't assume I'm a conspiracy theorist nut for bringing this up. I'm not saying it's going to happen, just saying it is possible just like anything else.


2nd Simple defense in the home, neighborhood, etc. More guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens citizens means less crime, look up graphs on the issue from the 1970's-present if you don't believe me.


3rd Many American ideals are based around guns, as ridiculous as it sounds. A look at popular culture shows, action movies such as "The Bourne Supremacy" and "Taken" show a protagonist using guns heavily. American musicians often include the use of guns in lyrics: Miranda Lambert's "Gun Powder & Lead" and Five Finger Death Punch's "Bad Company". Video games are often created on the basis of FPS or first-person shooter in which the player often plays as a member of military using high tech assault rifles to blast away opponents. Games with record breaking sales have used this genre, including the "Halo" and "Call of Duty" series.


4th Gun ownership is a unique feature to the U.S. and one of the great freedoms we, as U.S. citizens, enjoy. Few superpowers in the world allow the ability to own a weapon without miles of red tape. It is one of the features of America that makes America "'Merica", for better or worse.


Was this an ethics course?


How would legalizing gay marriage reduce the amount of child births?

No, lang arts. Essay bout world issues.

Maybe I'm just committed to equality


While I'm against the idea of capital punishment (however I'm not asking to reform the law) I don't think your example of the death penalty would fit well in this country. You know, that whole constitution, Eighth Amendment thing, lol. But I understand the emotion.


Eh, the constitution is laughed at by congress. As sad as it is, they follow it when public eye is upon them, but behind closed doors the constitution and principles this nation was founded on mean jack shit. 


IMO, if pics of abu ghraib had never surfaced it would have gone on for years. 


On the topic of gun control, I have a few arguments to bring up. 


1st is the Second Amendment, reserving the right to bear arms. This was created if a situation involving a tyrannical (excuse my spelling, steam browser no spell check) government in the U.S. were ever to arise. A very simple idea: if citizens have big guns and the government has big guns the citizens would be able to properly defend themselves more or less in a situation of citizens v. an American tyrant or a similar case. If the citizens lose more and more big guns and the government keeps all of their big guns, citizens are less capable of defending themselves. An example here is a proposed restriction on semi-automatic weapons. If it passes, citizens have only hunting rifles and shotguns as compared to fully automatic weapons, that is if the executive body seizes complete control of the nation and attempts a "pacification" program on the U.S. (this is the most likely as compared to other civil war situations of the U.S. with military takeover being second). I'd like to add an unrelated note to this: don't assume I'm a conspiracy theorist nut for bringing this up. I'm not saying it's going to happen, just saying it is possible just like anything else.


2nd Simple defense in the home, neighborhood, etc. More guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens citizens means less crime, look up graphs on the issue from the 1970's-present if you don't believe me.


3rd Many American ideals are based around guns, as ridiculous as it sounds. A look at popular culture shows, action movies such as "The Bourne Supremacy" and "Taken" show a protagonist using guns heavily. American musicians often include the use of guns in lyrics: Miranda Lambert's "Gun Powder & Lead" and Five Finger Death Punch's "Bad Company". Video games are often created on the basis of FPS or first-person shooter in which the player often plays as a member of military using high tech assault rifles to blast away opponents. Games with record breaking sales have used this genre, including the "Halo" and "Call of Duty" series.


4th Gun ownership is a unique feature to the U.S. and one of the great freedoms we, as U.S. citizens, enjoy. Few superpowers in the world allow the ability to own a weapon without miles of red tape. It is one of the features of America that makes America "'Merica", for better or worse.


Give this man a medal. He understands the second amendment, and the reasoning behind it.


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