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How could i start trading with 5 ref?


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You have 2 ref in pure, not 5, as 3 of them are tainted. It looks like you used untradable items when smelting metal, thus making the resulting refined (and anything the refined is used to craft) untradable.


In any case, in the refined market, your main sources of profit are going to be based around finding discrepancies in people's bots and acting as a middleman for mere scraps of profit. In the eyes of most people, this is not worth it, as your profits are literally pennies, earning you far less than minimum wage. Good profits don't come until you have enough capital to either flip unusuals and aussies or can afford and stock a bot of your own, and it is far easier and quicker to just plunk $20-40 down to get started than it is to toil away.


In any case, if you really do want to build up with what you've got, start with liquidating your ToD ticket, your name tags, and your Banjo taunt. That'll give enough purchasing power to flip something actually decent in the refined side of the economy. And read this guide:


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It's way too long of a road with that little of currency and given the current TF2 trading market, I don't know why you'd want to even bother. You probably need at least 10 keys to do anything of significance. 

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3 hours ago, _Hudson_Leko_ said:

I'd like to start trading and I'm starting off with 5 ref. How could I best use this?

You don’t. You are better off picking pennies of the ground.

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Well I started with 3 ref and im now upto 1 key and sum ref by grinding trade servers and buyin quicksell steam cards and all the other steam stuff. BEWARE THOUGH it needs a huge investment of time and patience.

y do i go through dis pain? my mums credit card is jus around the corner...



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Here's some advice: don't.


Find a friendly neighbor. Mow some lawns. A few days of hard work and you'll have enough to buy an unusual. 


It's literally like ten times faster to make some actual real money than trying to do a scrap to unusual.

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