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Am i the only one excited about keys dropping in price?

trading guru

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As of now key prices are starting to drop and if you look at the classified listings for keys most are selling it for 30.22 ref or 30.33 ref. Are prices on keys going to continue dropping ? i hope key prices drop to under 30 ref like when the key prices where crashing down recently.

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Key prices may drop, but they may also rise. I'm no elite trader - yet - but I can say without a doubt that either way, one type of trader will benefit. If you're biased towards buying rather than selling - I presume you fall into this category - then price drops are a gift from God. However for sellers such as myself, price drops can impact us on a varying scale.

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as I said elsewhere, I firmly believe that this is only temporary.  the crack down on farming bots does very little in the longterm as there still isn't a good metal sink


also keys already are practically under 30ref from what it looks like in the classifieds

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This is only temporary. Long term behavior is going to be up unless Valve puts in an effective ref sink. It doesn't matter, the low tier traders that it benefits are making so little that it is comparable to Chinese workers while high tier traders don't give a shit since they trade in keys exclusively. 

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Perhaps (this might be far-fetched here) keys went down because of the new crate?

If people have Steam wallet credit most aren't spending it on Mann Co Keys but instead on the new Blue Moon cases. Supply lowers slightly and demand lowers considerably would bring around a change. Supply dips as less people are buying Mannco Keys and Demand dips as more people want Blue Moon.

With the recent CSGO Trade ban thing I reckon this is also part scare. People are flogging keys off thinking they'll crash just like last time this happened.

They'll recover.

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Good point - activity picked up again in TF2 to some degree (one reason is, i assume because it's easier to trade here now and TF2 has the only other vibrant trading community that doesn't have a 7 day trade-lock like CSGO/PUBG) - overall though, the last couple of weeks seemed slow to me? surplus of keys on trading sites like scrap.tf & stn. Oddly, for this time of the week (tues/wednes) it's been busier then past weeks. All this is to say, who knows! (cuz, now I've contradicted my last post a bit)


edit: I've been selling the blue moon cases on mp.tf since 2 - 3 days after that update. Haven't sold many at all (my low demand theory again)

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