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Suggestions that I have for the site


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  1. A way to preview suggestions and comments to see how they look with functional BBCode.
  2. Notifications when a user you’ve reported is banned.
  3. Notifications for forum replies or messages even when the forum is not an active tab.
  4. An explanation when a trust rating that you’ve made or that you’ve gotten is removed.
  5. A heading BBCode tag.
  6. Edited posts always showing that they’ve been edited (but still with an optional edit reason).
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1.  Agreed.

2. Disagree. This seems to serve no purpose.

3. Seems like something that can be merged with the existing notification system.

4. This is already done automatically, just not given a specific reason. Specific reasons might be asking too much for mods.

5. Agreed.

6. Agreed.

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3 hours ago, Alice? said:
  1. Notifications when a user you’ve reported is banned.
  2. Notifications for forum replies or messages even when the forum is not an active tab.
  3. An explanation when a trust rating that you’ve made or that you’ve gotten is removed.


1. This is something that is there in Games, and even on steam would be nice to see it on bp.tf but nothing that important.

2. That is already there I think, I get notified as a popup on chrome even if the forum isn't open (doesn't happen all the time though)

3. If it was removed then it was removed by a mod. I don't see the need for an explanation for that

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2 hours ago, sscourge said:

2. Disagree. This seems to serve no purpose.

4. This is already done automatically, just not given a specific reason. Specific reasons might be asking too much for mods.

2. Scrap.tf, TF2 Outpost, and TF2 itself all notify you when a user you’ve reported is banned. It lets users know that reports are read and acted on by the staff members. It always feel nice reporting someone and then getting them banned.

4. I know, but I’ve never seen a reason given when a trust rating of mine has been removed. I think there should always be a reason, except for troll ratings. There have been multiple times when I’ve been confused as to why a trust rating of mine has been removed with no way of knowing what staff member removed it.


1 hour ago, « SɱokEy » said:

2. That is already there I think, I get notified as a popup on chrome even if the forum isn't open (doesn't happen all the time though)

3. If it was removed then it was removed by a mod. I don't see the need for an explanation for that

2. I don’t get notified when the forum isn’t open in a tab somewhere. I don’t think that’s even possible. Something like what I suggested could be implemented in Backpack.tf’s existing notification system.

3. It’s always nice knowing why it was removed—so you don’t have to contact a moderator to ask.

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3 hours ago, Alice? said:

2. Scrap.tf, TF2 Outpost, and TF2 itself all notify you when a user you’ve reported is banned. It lets users know that reports are read and acted on by the staff members. It always feel nice reporting someone and then getting them banned.

4. I know, but I’ve never seen a reason given when a trust rating of mine has been removed. I think there should always be a reason, except for troll ratings. There have been multiple times when I’ve been confused as to why a trust rating of mine has been removed with no way of knowing what staff member removed it.

I'll concede the point for 2.

4, however, it does tell you why. Positive ones are taken down because they had nothing to do with 'risky' trades (borrowing, broker, paypal), negative ones are taken down because you must do it for 'risky' trades as well.

    At least, that's my understanding.

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