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grandma's cookies

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so my birthday was recently and because I'm a demo main a friend of mine gifted me a really cool loose cannon. I want to put some strange parts on it but it's unlike the other launchers and I have no idea what to use. I feel like critical kills aren't really necessary since it tracks minicrit kills, and gib kills are a little redundant. I'll probably throw dominations on there just cause thats what everyone does to their favorite weapons but I'm really lost here, any ideas? 

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Gib kills is never a redundant part.  I feel like most people don't know what causes a gib kill, and as a result have no idea what the part is good for.  (Most people seem to think a kill with an explosive weapon = a gib kill, which is not the case).  The gib/non-gib ratio is actually fairly useful for telling at a glance whether you're getting a lot of solid hits, or just spamming rollers/long range splash. 


I would say players hit and damage done is an interesting combination of parts because it lets you see your average damage per hit, as well as how many hits on average it takes you to get a kill.  Buildings destroyed seems fairly obvious for a demo, even if you're more likely to use stickies for that.


Don't use dominations.  Dominations could be replaced with "Time spent on skial servers".  It's a shameful part that shows how much you like to beat up on players of a lower skill level than you, and you shouldn't put it on anything you own.  Killstreaks ended would be better for showing that you actually did something that may have taken skill.  It's also much cheaper.


Also, for whatever it's worth, Strange Loose Cannons track double-donks, not mini-crit kills.  DDs don't always kill, and you can be mini-crit or crit boosted aside from donking.  It would end up looking redundant though.

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Buildings destroyed doesn't seem too good on a Loose Cannon though.

So i guess... Gib kills + Damage Done + Hits?

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I appreciate all the replies and after long deliberation I decided on 

1. gib kills

2. damage dealt

3. players hit 




thank you and I can't wait to add some of you to the kill count ;) 

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