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Buy Order question

Mister WorldCast

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Greetings everyone. Now i have 1 question about the buy orders (slecifically for unusuals) How do they create these ttpe of buy orders? (I call them the universal unusual buy order). Basically i see these in the buy orders with the amount usually 8 keys but the icon of the buy order is the unusual cosmetic but it doesnt have an effect meaning its a buy order for tue unusual in general, not specifically. If you have no idea i proved an image of it for you ti get a better understanding. If you have any answers, let me know. Thanks.  -WorldCast





If you are wondering why i want to know this is i want to be advertising that i am quickbuying unusuals but in general and not in specific effects (If its possible)


Find users who have a shitton of these made. Click on the stat button when hovering over the buy orders. On the state page, go down the the buy orders and click the blue + button ontop of the buy orders, profit.

33 minutes ago, WorldCast ⇄ said:

Greetings everyone. Now i have 1 question about the buy orders (slecifically for unusuals) How do they create these ttpe of buy orders? (I call them the universal unusual buy order). Basically i see these in the buy orders with the amount usually 8 keys but the icon of the buy order is the unusual cosmetic but it doesnt have an effect meaning its a buy order for tue unusual in general, not specifically. If you have no idea i proved an image of it for you ti get a better understanding. If you have any answers, let me know. Thanks.  -WorldCast




The way i do it is this


so heres a Cloudy Moon Carouser's Capotain 

this is the backpack link for it

https://backpack.tf/stats/Unusual/Carouser's Capotain/Tradable/Craftable/38

the /38 = cloudy moon

so if you erase the effect number from the link

https://backpack.tf/stats/Unusual/Carouser's Capotain/Tradable/Craftable

it shows all effects

then you can make a buy/sell order

12 minutes ago, saveriocello said:

The way i do it is this


so heres a Cloudy Moon Carouser's Capotain 

this is the backpack link for it

https://backpack.tf/stats/Unusual/Carouser's Capotain/Tradable/Craftable/38

the /38 = cloudy moon

so if you erase the effect number from the link

https://backpack.tf/stats/Unusual/Carouser's Capotain/Tradable/Craftable

it shows all effects

then you can make a buy/sell order

Much appreciated.

  • Mister WorldCast locked and unlocked this topic
49 minutes ago, ksolis01 said:

Find users who have a shitton of these made. Click on the stat button when hovering over the buy orders. On the state page, go down the the buy orders and click the blue + button ontop of the buy orders, profit.

Thanks for the tip. 


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