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Preventing suggestions without proof:


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Would it be possible to implement something which makes it so you have to have some kind of link on your suggestion to prevent users from just suggesting whatever prices they wish?

For example, you would need to have a link from a website which tf2 trades are actually carried out on (Such as tf2outpost), or a website which you can upload images to (Such as imgur) to stop people from just putting random links in suggestions.

Would help a lot with random suggestions with no proof in being submitted.

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This has been discussed a lot in the past, so I'm just going to tl;dr here: Not going to happen. Random links from allowed sites will just substitute. Stupid gon' be stupid.

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Easy. Suggestions without proof take a click of a button from a user or mod to close. It's not saving anyone's time by having annoying proof-checkers like this. Besides, link-less suggestions can always get accepted if there is proof/a change is really needed.

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