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Collector's TC has been crafted...


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Why ? Theres no possible reason you should think thats stupid. 


Just my opinion, 20 buds for something that there probably will exist more of soon, and for an item that doesn't even visually looks different.


Collectors are weird individuals.

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Just my opinion, 20 buds for something that there probably will exist more of soon, and for an item that doesn't even visually looks different.


Collectors are weird individuals.


Theres going to be an item that takes 10 buds to craft, Appear again soon and soo commonly that Collectors TC is going to be common enough for all the potential collectors of the item. Yea....

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I find this offensive


Collecting market gardeners is ok, they are at least just worth half a scrap each, and i hope you didn't pay more.

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Mattie will do anything in his power to get it. Mattie has the money to buy it. He will no matter the price. I am confident of this


Sometimes money isn't enough.

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You've got to wonder why people would pay so much money on some god damn pixels. Wow, too much time and money on people's hands these days.

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