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Blood money


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Probably not, seems that you can only buy campaing stuff with it.

1 hour ago, Satoune said:

Serious question: Do you think the blood money will be the new in-game money and destroy the external trading market?


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From what can be inferred from the campaign page, Blood Money will just be points stored on your ConTracker, not a tradable item. So in that case Blood Money will have zero economic value.


But even if it is tradable you only earn it from contracts and can only use it on the ConTracker to buy campaign stuff. Really doesn't seem like something that will up-heave the TF2 economy.

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Certain items can only be bought with blood money, then it will be traded for common money such as refined, key or steam wallet currency.

It won't really affect the economy, a bit some existing low-tier decorated weapons.

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