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Identity Secret on Galaxy S8

Xerye  trade.tf  πŸ“±βœ”

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Hello :)

I got a new phone, a Samsung Galaxy S8 so need a new identity_secret.
I dont want to root my phone, so I used ADB with USB-Debugging - as allways before.

I did that on a few phones allready and it allways worked.

But on the Galaxy S8 I cannot get it to work :(
When I use "adb backup -noapk /data/data/com.valvesoftware.android.steam.community" I get a 1KB big backup.ab wich is not much bigger after being converted into backup.tar - the backup.tar is empty.

When I use "adb backup -all" it backsup all my apps into the backup.ab and is several MB big, when converted into backpack.tar I can enter all my apps and their files BUT valve/steam app is not there X_x

Did anyone allready extract the secret_identity successfully on a Galaxy S8?
I have the suspicion that the steam-app has new securitystuff implemented that excludes the app from being backup'd - could that be?
Im pretty sure I am not doing anything wrong in the console as Im totally not new to this ^^ Also the backup -all works, so my ADB is not broken, but as said the only app thats missing in the backup is valve/steam!

I would be very happy about any help.

And again, I dont want to root - I really dont want to ^^
Cheers ^^

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What I also could imagine is to setup a virtual phone on my computer to use that one as the "mainphone" for the authenticator and to extract that ones identity_secret.

If thats even possible ^^ I dont know never looked into that but maybe someone allready did that? :D xD

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The only options I know of:

1) root/jailbreak-> not guaranteed, I've only ever done this on ios

2) you can use Fiddler to sniff your own packets when you setup 2FA, I don't know if this method still works and I've also never done it.Β 

3) Desktop Authenticator

4) node-totp/node steam community (basically desktop authenticator in a node package, useful for things)Β 


Note that any of these methods besides jailbreaking/rooting will result in a temp trade ban (I think 7 days) because you have to disable and re-enable 2FA.

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And the Desktop Authenticator can also autoconfirm trades? I mean when a correct trade is accepted by "backpack.tf automatic" then the Desktop Authenticator will confirm that former trade acception?
Thank you for your detaled answer Axle.

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Maybe some side information: At the moment my "Backpack.tf automatic" accepts correct offers but I have to use my mobile phone everytime a trade is accepted to confirm the trade.
And I want this confirmation to be automaticly done like it allways have been before :)

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22 hours ago, Xerye trade.tf πŸ“±βœ” said:

And the Desktop Authenticator can also autoconfirm trades? I mean when a correct trade is accepted by "backpack.tf automatic" then the Desktop Authenticator will confirm that former trade acception?
Thank you for your detaled answer Axle.

Desktop Authenticator does have an option to automatically confirm everything coming through (whether it's from backpack.tf automatic or not). However, switching to desktop authenticator will give you a 7 day trade ban because of "switching phones" (the same that happens if you switch your authenticator to a different "real" phone). Once you've set it up though you'll be able to get your Steam login codes and confirm trades (or auto confirm everything, as I said before) without looking at your phone.


Also, there's an edit button for a reason; no need to double postΒ ;)

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