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I know the term, but what defines if something is a Quicksell or not?


Some questions pertaining to Quicksells (to get the ball rolling):


Sell for 20% off? 30%? 50%? Below what people will offer? What's a % of an unusual? How do you decide what price? At or below backpack.tf price? Only pure? Can you quicksell for unusuals, not just pure? Possible to quicksell a multi-bud high tier unusual? How much pure does the average user have to use? How long does it unusually take to be a quicksell? Why quicksell? What quicksells have you bought? Sold? Do people prefer buds to keys? Ref to keys? Real world currency?

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Depends on the price and demand of the item. Eg; for Strange Rocket Launcher, 10-20% off would be a quicksell. If its an unusual that a completely different story. I'll wait for the veterans to answer that :P

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Depends on the price and demand of the item. Eg; for Strange Rocket Launcher, 10-20% off would be a quicksell. If its an unusual that a completely different story. I'll wait for the veterans to answer that :P

If it's a true quicksell, it shouldn't matter what's being sold, only that you're going to make profit any way.

That's the point of a Quicksell in my eyes anyway.

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Quicksell is based on the time it took to sell versus time it would normally take to sell.


i dont really think the cedar's scale is correct, although i can't come up with a scale as it varies too much for each item

(vintages take alot more time to sell at about any price, so a "quicksell" will also take longer)

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Quicksell is based on the time it took to sell versus time it would normally take to sell.


i dont really think the cedar's scale is correct, although i can't come up with a scale as it varies too much for each item

(vintages take alot more time to sell at about any price, so a "quicksell" will also take longer)

Based off what I've seen in my time, not including vines or genuines since those rarely sell.
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At least for unusuals, a brief definition is provided in the new guide. A full account with examples will be provided in the full guide whenever I have time to finally edit / push it through.

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I think you aren't referring to how to define quicksells on bp.tf, just trading quicksells


I'd say it's just something that is considerably cheaper and sells quickly as compared to selling for normal price. Main thing is the price though time taken helps you tell if it's a quicksell or not

Quickselling for unusuals is just stupid unless you're downgrading for 1st gen effects/hats you want but then again the whole point of quickselling is getting rid of something for cheaper for pure.

Everything can be quicksold, but if you want loads of pure for a god tier quicksell it's still going to take a long time cos pure.

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Frankly it is a price at which the item moves with sufficient speed. Speed is a relevant term. How fast do you need pure? That determines sufficient.


Example: If I need pure inside of 1 day and have determined to get rid three items. A vintage item listed at 4 keys, a strange pda and a s dead ringer. I will likely try to sell the vintage at 2 keys 2 ref. The s pda at 6 keys 2 ref and not discount the s dead ringer.


If my feel is right these items will likely sell inside of a 24 hr period even during Tuesday thru Thursday.


Edit: If I think an event is coming that I want to have pure to be ready for I will list above my example prices.

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I'll start by answering some of the questions you asked. 


What defines if something is a Quicksell or not?


Quick selling is selling an unusual at a discount for quick pure.


Only pure? Can you quicksell for unusuals, not just pure?


Of course only pure counts. The point of quickselling is to get quick pure.


However, selling a high tier unusual for a couple of lower tier unusuals even though you're getting less in unusuals can be seen, by some or just the seller, as a good trade. Let say you have a new effect unusual and you broke it down to 5 buds less than what you wanted, and others have sold for, in 1st gen effects well those unusuals will consume less time to sell than the one unusual you had.This would explain why you see trades that you think "quicksold" when they sold for a bunch of cheaper unusuals. You should count that trade when price checking and not exclude since it was lower than previous sales.


Possible to quicksell a multi-bud high tier unusual?


Of course, but the more it cost the more is "discounted" when quickselling. The more time it takes to sell the more the reward of taking it on is expected, from buyers. I've quicksold a 10-12 bud unusual for 8 buds before. 


How long does it unusually take to be a quicksell?


Depends on the tier of the hat and effect. Low tier hats should take around a couple of days, if not one day. High-god tier hats usually take much longer as not everyone who has the pure will want to risk reselling it. (They aren't worth the trouble most of the time) 

Generally if they are saying *QUICKSELLING* and its been a 3 weeks + it isnt a quicksell.


Why quicksell?



Plenty of traders are okay with selling their 20 key unusual for 15 keys because they need the keys for whatever reason now. Or don't care and want to sell the unusual. Unusual trading is a hassle and very time consuming, you need the pure to back up the time it takes to sell or for potential loss. 

If you're cashing out, quickselling is your best bet for quick pure. You'll be able to turn your bp into cash within the week. 

Or if you got the unusuals from an overpay, get rid of them quick for pure and you essentially didn't lose anything. 


What quicksells have you bought? Sold?


So many that i gave up on the list I had months ago. Its in the hundreds. Already gave up on buying unusuals and selling them already. Its a hassle but can be very rewarding. 


Do people prefer buds to keys? Ref to keys? Real world currency?


Everyone prefers keys. There are few who actually want cash and will risk taking cash unless you have plenty of reputation. I only pay in keys. 


How much pure does the average user have to use?


If a trader plans to regularly trade and buy unusuals. They should always have at least 100 keys in their backpack even after buying unusuals. I used to keep 300 keys as my minimum amount to always have. 



How and what are quicksells to me: (Answering Sell for 20% off? 30%? 50%? Below what people will offer? What's a % of an unusual? How do you decide what price? At or below backpack.tf price?) 


What is a quicksell is usually the same to everyone but to buyers theres usually a different amount that they would pay for the same unusual. 

You always have to think about hat, class, and effect. 


If the effect is bad such as smoking/steaming. Expect the discount on the hat to be greater than for a bubbling hat. 

I stick with what bucket would call cancer unusuals. I like unusuals that are cheap and low tier. Cheaper unusuals have a larger buyer market, potential buyers. While higher tier unusuals have less potential buyers, which will only want to offer their own personal unusuals and are looking for a better hat to sell. 


I tend to look at bp.tf price (was more helpful when prices werent in constant fluctuation, thanks for fixing that brad) and I'll offer typically 5 keys less than the low end. For unusuals under 1.5 buds. (But the cheaper the unusual the less the discount) 

20 key unusuals -> 15 Keys

15 key unusuals - > 11 keys

13 Key unsusual - > 9-10 Keys


There was a time where it was believe any unusual can get 12 keys and that used to be the lowest I would offer. But now its like 8 keys.


12,11,10 Key unusual -> 8 Keys


If the unusuals are 2-3 Buds asking for .5 bud discount is something I would stick too. 

And the more an unusual cost the higher the amount taken off. And its good to stick to the ratio of 2-3 buds take off atleast .5 buds.


Remember to look at offers before offering anything and always consider what you are getting. If it really is going to be hard to sell than taking more off it is something you should consider. Same goes with unusuals that will be easier to sell, discount off it will be less but remember to keep it at an amount where the profit is worth the time. 


I typically dont stick to some wierd percentage since it always varies. But 25-35% off bptf low end seems to be the norm when it comes to hats actually bought by "quickbuyers"


If i think of more to add, I will edit my post. 

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