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Explaining Gifted and Duped items


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So I was recently added and offered bud for an unusual I was selling. I checked the bud's history and it was said to be duped. I told the guy I could not trade with him because his bud was duped, and he seemed to be completely new to this word. He thought it was 'pure stupidness' that I wouldn't accept his bud. I tried to explain to him what it was but I myself did not know much about the term 'duped' I just told him that his item wasn't the original bud and that it was a 'copy.' Of course he was mad and I didn't really know so can someone enlighten me about duped items.


For gifted I haven't explained to anyone about it but I also  know its not really what most people want. Is it only because the gifted text cannot be removed or is there more to it.


Thanks for reading

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Duped items are from valve when a player gets phished they contact steam support and if enough evidence is present they restore your backpack once and only once. The items become "dupe" as rheydont delete the "original" so there are now 2 of the same items with the same id.


Gifted text cannot be removed. Simply put why would people pay full price for something that has someone elses name on it so are worth less.


Dupes dont effect the value of unusuals much unless they are hightier/expensive ones you're not gonna pay 10 buds + for a duped right? If someone is going to pay ghat much they want it to be sparkly clean

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He thought it was 'pure stupidness' that I wouldn't accept his bud.

This is reasonable, you can NEVER expect a bud to be clean, almost 99% (not a fact - just a random estimate, point being almost all) of the buds are duped, mostly because of their mass circulation and high value. Declining his bud wasn't a smart move at all.



For gifted I haven't explained to anyone about it but I also  know its not really what most people want. Is it only because the gifted text cannot be removed or is there more to it.

Some traders are very picky and dislike any additional text/paint/parts/etc. on their items. Since this covers a majority of the traders (myself not included), it's become widely accepted that gifted items do have less value than normal ones, as said tags are unremovable. A set "decreased value" doesn't exist, however.

That is also one of the reasons for which some people tend to erase crafters' names, I dislike that though, especially when it's about low/special # items or limited-time glitched crafts such as the circuit board or the manniversary hat.

Sometimes, when items are gifted by "important people" (i.e. signed) they "gain" value (although they do not, imo), but that's just some bs made up by sellers to profit.



 I tried to explain to him what it was but I myself did not know much about the term 'duped' I just told him that his item wasn't the original bud and that it was a 'copy.' 

Dupes are created by support when items are hijacked. The original item stays in the hijacker's backpack, but at the same time it is restored with the very same id in the victim's backpack, and thus, 2 items with the same original ID exist.

Dupes don't affect values of common items or low-value unusuals, but they do affect them significantly when highly valuable (i.e. 10+ buds)

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yeah, there's no difference between duped and non-duped buds

If a 1of4 unusual is duped its a bigger deal, but if a 1of10000 bud is duped it makes no difference whatsoever

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Duped buds make no difference. Why would you treat it differently?

All the buds are equally cute - there's no need to look down on little lvl 1 buds, but if you do - THAT'S RACIST.

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