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GFplayer123:) ITA

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Upgrade to premium is worth 2.25-2.5 keys or roughly 16-18 refined.


That's the equivalent of 144-162 weapons which is more than you have and F2Ps can't even trade weapons unless they were originally from a premium account meaning a friend gave them to you.

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Reddit mod genemilder (aka Seventy-one) posted this a while ago, cheaper than using the upgrade-to-premium item:


If you have other paid games on Steam that give trading card drops (and you have access to the Steam Community market) you have another option.

List your cards for sale on the Community market and sell until you have $0.36 USD in wallet funds. Then open TF2, go to the Mann Co store, find any $0.49 weapon and choose "Try It Out". This gives a discount on the weapon. Buy the weapon at the discounted price with your wallet funds and you're now premium!

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Reddit mod genemilder (aka Seventy-one) posted this a while ago, cheaper than using the upgrade-to-premium item:


If you have other paid games on Steam that give trading card drops (and you have access to the Steam Community market) you have another option.

List your cards for sale on the Community market and sell until you have $0.36 USD in wallet funds. Then open TF2, go to the Mann Co store, find any $0.49 weapon and choose "Try It Out". This gives a discount on the weapon. Buy the weapon at the discounted price with your wallet funds and you're now premium!

Giftapults are even cheaper (£0.06 in the store), and may actually be an "almost free" way of getting premium.

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