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Words/Phrases that you hate


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What are some of the words or phrases you hear that drive you insane? 


"In my honest opinion" or "that's just my opinion" or whatever variant of that

There's a good chance that whatever precedes or succeeds it is just retardedly insane beyond reason.




This is probably the word most overused by that friend who automatically hates whatever his/her friends like, and he/she doesn't even have a reason to hate what you like other than to be an edgy contrarian who feels like their opinion should hold more weight because it's unpopular. Not only that, but it's usually said in the most condescending, snarkiest way possible. It's antithesis, 'underrated', is not only just as bad, but often misused as well.



"The movie 'the Dark Knight' is so overrated."

"The Human Centipede trilogy is an underrated masterpiece of horror."



Probably just a minor pet peeve on my part, but to me, calling someone or something you hate like fidget spinners or the cash me ousside girl  a disease with no cure is a radical exaggeration. An annoying toy or a talentless brat is just as comparable to a terminal illness?



Only when it's said to me.


"You're not a true ___ if you ___"

This phrase is so stupid that it's actually a logical fallacy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman



"You're not a real man if you haven't tried to suck your own dick."

"If you don't know what Hey Arnold is, you're not a true '90s kid."

"You're not a true gamer if you only play Clash of Clans" Actually, in this instance, I'll let it slide. 

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Overused for exaggeration to the point of having "used for emphasis ... while not being literally true" is its dictionary definition.

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"Student athlete" - just retarded, i mean who tf created this?


There are many others, i just fucking hate this.

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Kill Yourself 

Literally requesting for someone to commit suicide who you've never met and likely just was better than you at a video game. A bit far?



Oh wait, that's already up there <3


HMU for a TBH

99% of people I know have posted this on Snapchat at one point, but it usually makes me stop watching their story. Like, what the fuck does that even mean?



Okay, weed is fine. Marijuana is fine. Hell, I'll even put up with grass. But "POT"?! Pot should stay as a term purely used to describe something used when cooking my nightly Mac n' Cheese.



I'll make it for sale with my 10x bp price pure offer >:)

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HMU for a TBH

99% of people I know have posted this on Snapchat at one point, but it usually makes me stop watching their story. Like, what the fuck does that even mean?



"Hit me up for a to-be-honest"

You can ask them to tell their honest opinion about you/your looks/whatnot

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I hate "meme slang" or whatever. Like "Rekt" has been mentioned or "m8" and whatnot. Anything you'd see a 12 year old type while youre in an online game. I dont mind "finna" or "fam" and whatever because those are used ironically for the most part. No one really ever uses them. 

My roommate and I got into a habit of using real vulgar words to insult each other because it was just how we were, our kind of sense of humor to see how fucked up we could get. Too many times we'd be around people and just casually drop the word "cunt" on each other and really offend people. Not that we cared, we knew it was joke. But people really do not like the word cunt, and Ive grown to actually enjoy using it. The only insult I really don't use all too often is "fag". I personally think that's too specific to a group of people and can honestly upset people. 

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 But people really do not like the word cunt, and Ive grown to actually enjoy using it.

I find it's usually Americans who find cunt more offensive. I'm British so it's not that rare but it really depends on the usage, using it casually is fine but using it aggressively is pretty horrible. 



Seems most people don't really understand it or use it waaaaay too often.

People will literally use it to derail any argument going against them the second it's a subject they don't like.

Progressive? SJW

Leftist? SJW

Young liberal? SJW


Oddly enough you can care about other people without being an asshole



Attack helicopter jokes-

Transgender people exist, big deal. it's pretty insulting that people spew this the second genders are involved, mostly by people not willing to learn.

It's okay to have different opinions on gender but just dismissing in an offensive fashion as some mental illness is not ok.

It's funny how people can look back on people thinking homosexuality was a mental illness and go "how could we be so horrible" but when transgenders are involved it's back to, "attack helicopter, 2 genders and mental illness xddd"

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Annoying crap that people always spam and think it's still funny after hearing/repeating it 1,000 times zzzz. e.g Harambe, Lenny, Legend27.



especially those people who say it on the mic, you ain't funny.




Pretty self explainory


Grill / Grill Gamer

Guys think it's hilarious to call me and Apollothelion "grill" / "grill gamer" I lost count on how many people have said this joke lets just say it happens at least 5+ times a day.



I used to read this as "kill yourself" but I now always read it as "keep yourself safe" and say "yes I'll keep myself safe" I however still dislike this word.


There are just so many I want to add to this list but I am too lazy to finish it lol

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I'll make it for sale with my 10x bp price pure offer > :)

Try me :P



As for the topic, there are very few expressions that I actively dislike; I just think many are dumb, such as "bae" (of which I only relatively recently found out it is an actual abbreviation of something and not just a butchered form of babe). The only thing I see people "say" that "triggers"  me is the lennyface thing. I don't now why, but whenever I see that, I just want to smash it. Most other things I dislike are Dutch slang or (purposely) improper use of words/grammar


Funnily enough, most other things that annoyed me in the past, I've picked up in a sarcastic sense, resulting in me using them unorthodoxly frequent, such as "rekt l0l", "kappa", "ez" and "swagger" and such (actually mainly "rekt", I have no clue why)

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Yes, because your team carried you and you are at the bottom of the score board, you stupid 10 year old spoiled brat.

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"I've lost all faith in humanity" or "Faith restored in humanity"


Damn, I hate these phrases, they're so annoying, and only attention whores use them.


Like seriously, if you've lost all faith in humanity you should off yourself, since you have no faith in you, you attention seeker

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Doesn't really mean anything. Don't offer me 1/3 my b/o in items, because "lol its duped"




Yes, because your team carried you and you are at the bottom of the score board, you stupid 10 year old spoiled brat.

Pretty sure this is just bait at that point.



I'll make it for sale with my 10x bp price pure offer >:)

Don't buy it then? As long as they're not offering their item around, trying to get more, how does it hurt/annoy you? Just ignore the sell order lmao.

If you want the item, you can either massively overpay in pure, or not buy it.

I'd rather a collector be open to selling their item in massive overpay, than hold onto it forever.


Ex: 1/1 Demonflame Rack is not interested in offers at all, declined 400 pure from me. Said its not for sale no matter what, even if I were to offer more, he doesn't trade.

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Fag as a swear word (kinda used a lot by the "wannabe gangsters" in The Netherlands)


I'll break your toes if you say this

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You're a thot.

"You're a that hoe over there"

>lol what


It's just a prank, bro.


No homo

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