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Please someone make something about Uncraft Weapons prices


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Guys i am a bit new to forums, please don't beat me.

I just want to ask to someone who has more experience than me to update uncraftable weapons prices on backpack.tf. Most of those are outdated, and many times there are only 2-3 on the market, that obviously sell for above the "market" price. 

(I just sold my dirty vaccinator for 1.00 ref pure, and some other uncrafts for 0.33. Will provide proofs asap.)


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How should dirty weapons raise in price? I mean everybody can buy them in the store...

Because everyone is going to go out and spend $15 on a weapon.

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So many persons would do this if they actually get profit for it.

Feel free to message me when the cow mangler is selling for 50 ref, I'll buy some off the store.

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