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K, what is going on lately? Whats with the inundation of trolls making suggestions with no proofs? Dis need go up, it good hat. Oh yeah and they own 30 of them. Dafuq? Does this happen every year around this time? And its not like 1 or 2 a day - its like 10 a day lately. And yes, they get humiliated in the comments and eventually get closed but geez man, its annoying. I'm all for new people trying to make suggestions (unlike some around here) and learning the ropes, but the overall suggestion SPAM is over the top. Ok rant over. :)

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Neh it's pretty common for this to happen. It's just that mods are very busy atm (HIRE NEW ONE BRAD) and these suggestions are visible more. I just had to link woifi 3 of those suggestions that had been up for almost an hour on front page

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