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Classified limitings capacity has been cut by half


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So my classified listing capacity has been cut to half in all 3 accounts of mine why is that?


Used to be 220 here (dont have premium ~ now its 129)

same issue on both my bot accounts 


It used to be 400 now its cut to 200 and i have premium on the bots 


Bot 1 


Bot 2


Why did this happen? I checked with my friends its all good for them Please help me 


if any of the links are broken please let me know thanks 


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I had premium since 2015 my listings have ALWAYS been 200 until yesterday. It actually makes me sad that I had paid for 1 1/2 years for double listings and others got it for free :P I guess I was one of the few who didn't get this x4 listing thing.


Did any other premium users not get 400 listings like a ton of others did? just curious. Mine had always been at 200 I thought having 200 listings was the issue then yesterday I saw people posting screenshots of their 400 listings being lowered down to 200. :l

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I had premium since 2015 my listings have ALWAYS been 200 until yesterday. It actually makes me sad that I had paid for 1 1/2 years for double listings and others got it for free :P I guess I was one of the few who didn't get this x4 listing thing.


Did any other premium users not get 400 listings like a ton of others did? just curious. Mine had always been at 200 I thought having 200 listings was the issue then yesterday I saw people posting screenshots of their 400 listings being lowered down to 200. :l

I can't remember how many listings were given exactly but looking at your profile, my guess would be because you didn't join the bp.tf steam group or link twitter.

I'm thinking that the base was 50 and the update that Axle linked above doubled it to 100. Premium doubled it again to 200.

I believe steam group and linking a twitter account gave like 25 each? so 50 extra listings which was doubled by the update and doubled again by premium to give 200 extra slots. That would make it 400 listings total.


Looking at your comment on the other thread, it makes sense you have 140 since the base is 70 now x2 for premium. If you join the group/link twitter, you'd get 60 more to get back to 200. Though it still sucks since you would have had 400 back then if you did the same :x


I'm theorising that maybe when they universally doubled the listings limit, they intended to double the base and not the extra listings.

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I had premium since 2015 my listings have ALWAYS been 200 until yesterday. It actually makes me sad that I had paid for 1 1/2 years for double listings and others got it for free :P I guess I was one of the few who didn't get this x4 listing thing.


Did any other premium users not get 400 listings like a ton of others did? just curious. Mine had always been at 200 I thought having 200 listings was the issue then yesterday I saw people posting screenshots of their 400 listings being lowered down to 200. :l


Previously it was 50 base listings plus 25 for joining the steam group and 25 for following us on twitter. If a user did all those things and got premium they would have 100 x 4 = 400. You only had the base 50, thus you got 50 x 4 = 200. The base is now 70, so you have 70 x 2 = 140. You can get the remaining 60 by joining the group and following us on twitter, which would bring you to the 200 you had before. This isn't complicated, the information is clearly available in the past thread you were posting in and I have repeatedly linked you to the FAQ which you apparently have still not read. 


Edit: this has since been modified to give all premium users 200 without needing to join the group or follow on twitter.

See here for more information: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/meetthestats#announcements/detail/666937680478306927

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For those of us like myself who just saw their listing cap plummet.  162 listing cap down to 115 what happens now?  Will the site cancel my extra listings that are already up or will it just not let me post more until the ones I have get traded or canceled?  I am asking since I would hate to have 40+ listings get canceled but if the site will just keep bumping them until my listings get sold off that would be the best solution for me.  

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Existing listings are kept. If you wish to create additional ones you'll have to delete existing ones until you're below your cap.

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Existing listings are kept. If you wish to create additional ones you'll have to delete existing ones until you're below your cap.


Thank you for the reply.  But I just went ahead and donated 5 keys, 5 extra listings per dollar is very nice and that put me above what I needed cap wise. 

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