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Did you like the Invasion update?

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Personally, for me, it was probably the best time I had in TF2, I know many people say that contentwise the update was horrible but for me, it wasn't. The mood and atmosphere it had was just simply awesome... The maps were awesome, I still play watergate to this day a lot, the reskins looked amazing, the crates just felt different and awesome... I'm kinda having nostalgia right now. Also, We are in the beam, never forget.  2015 was a good year.


Was that the we are in the beam! update?

I really like that one tbh, 2fort invasion did look awesome, was disappointed by the lack of contracts and the UFO badge but w/e. Bit of a laugh.


I'm the exact opposite, I think this is the only tf2 update I honestly still have no idea what was even added

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No. The maps were awful, the gamemodes were trash (except arena, which was sometimes fun) and the hats were mediocre at best.


Never forget pyromania, that was a quality update

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I like watergate & probed maps, new weps & cosmetics and "We are in the beam" sound.



+ We (who loves nebula) should thankful to Invasion Update for Nebula.


All I know is that "we are in the beam" was the best thing to happen to tf2.

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I had a blast personally.

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Invasion is definitely one of my favorites, although love and war will always be my all-time favorite. I had a ton of fun playing watergate and probed. I still remember crafting 2 giger counters before they patched that


I loved Invasion.


  • The space theme was a simple yet enjoyable one, and was present coherently across the update in everything added.
  • The unusual effects added were largely really nice. Nebula of course is obscenely beautiful, Abduction is great, the Atomics are visible and interesting, and the Voltaic effect is blue, the first of its kind, something I find quite neat. Plus the Protector and Atomic effects have great potential in multiple-effect combos
  • The cosmetics added were actually quite nice. The Head Full of Hot Air, Space Diver, Corona set, and the Universal Translator are all very nice hats, and the Captain Space Man introduced a new all-class misc.
  • The re-skins were fantastic! The Shooting Star, Giger Counter, C.A.P.P.E.R., and Batsaber are all really fun.
  • The SFM short was really high quality. Good humor, fun premise, smooth animation and true to the characters.
  • The new maps were extremely fun. 2fort_invasion was amazing visually, and the addition of the explosives actually balanced the map more than the normal version. Probed is honestly a really good koth map, I'd be quite happy if they just removed the UFO and included it as a standard map. Watergate is extremely fun and memey, though there are a few annoyances in the game design I wish were fixed (Having to look up to cap, the sentry spot that can watch the beam completely, and the ability of Spies to troll in the beam). Byre was okay, I dislike Arena mode as it currently functions but the map itself was pretty nice looking.


Admittedly, the update wasn't perfect. There were a ton of even better cosmetics that weren't included, more reskins like the Holo-Shield, and the delay issues from internal squabbling was disappointing. I'd also have liked the Invasion coin to provide contracts, especially if they were a small pool of themed ones with fun names. Overall however, it was a good community update. I'd rank them:


EoTL, Invasion, Halloween 2016, Halloween 2015, Robotic Boogaloo

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