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This is getting blatant...


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"this guy is an idiot" 


Sorry if I don't live up to your high standards. Doesn't mean you can be rude about it.

Also, instead of just contributing nothing, and just saying I'm an idiot, you could at least tell me why so I don't make the same mistake again.

Screaming? Getting mad? I'm not sure where this is coming from.

Thanks for the hate guys....

You can edit posts, there is no need to make two posts in a row.
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As me and other have pointed out repeatedly it isnt manipulation if there is a large amount of valid proof which the suggestor did supply. Manipulations would be cherry picking his proof to make it seem higher which is not the case.


This discussion became a sensless argument as you consistently ignored the feedback of other and myself being fixated on the idea of manipulation which is no different than the many other who have come on here before to ask questions and ignore everyone who initially tried to help.


Again as i said before "Fact is if you can sell for a higher range and there is valid proof to back it up there is no reason it shouldnt be accepted. If someone else made that suggestion no one would care but if someone who owned it ups the price it suddenly becomes manipulation. "

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>"It doesn't matter how good the proof is"

Said like a true person who likes to get accurate price on items, yes?

No wonder you're getting hate; your logic is stupid.




Thanks for the hate guys....


Hate? Well maybe if you didn't say some idiotic things, we wouldn't be so on you, bro. Our pleasure.

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The fact that he owns multiples of this item does not invalidate the incontrovertible proof provided. As a matter of fact, a trader that often deals with a suggested item is usually a more reliable source for a given item as he will be more adept at noticing market trends... 
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How is this blatant price manipulation allowed?

It is already known that he had alts that would raise the prices while he hoarded the items on his main.


It doesn't matter how good the proof is, this is clearly price manipulation.


Suggestion: http://backpack.tf/vote/id/52ab1bf34dd7b833228b456d


Attempting to manipulate the price can backfire also, at least with something that has a lot of numbers in game It could bring more traders into that market. It could bring more owners to put the item up for sale. I will say that I know someone who sold some of these and he said they sold fast at list price.

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