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API Questions


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Two questions about the json output of the API.

First, is there a place where I can find out what the quality numbers signify? Is an item of quality "11" strange or unique or unusual for example.

Second, I noticed that there is a map at the top of the json output that is not on the main api example, the current version of that map looks something like this:

"defindex_map": {
			"0": 190,
			"1": 191,
			"2": 192,
			"3": 193,
			"4": 194,
			"5": 195,
			"6": 196,
			"7": 197,
			"8": 198,
			"9": 199,
			"10": 199,
			"11": 199,
			"12": 199,
			"13": 200,
			"14": 201,
			"15": 202,
			"16": 203,
			"17": 204,
			"18": 205,
			"19": 206,
			"20": 207,
			"21": 208,
			"22": 209,
			"23": 209,
			"24": 210,
			"25": 737,
			"30": 212,
			"29": 211,
			"160": 294,
			"735": 736,
			"744": 743,
			"831": 810,
			"832": 811,
			"833": 812,
			"834": 813,
			"835": 814,
			"836": 815,
			"837": 816,
			"838": 817,
			"5999": 6000,
			"2093": 5020

What does this signify / is it useful for anything? Right now I'm just ignoring it. 

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"value" "0"




"value" "6"




"value" "1"




"value" "2"




"value" "4"




"value" "5"




"value" "7"




"value" "8"




"value" "9"




"value" "10"




"value" "3"




"value" "11"




"value" "12"




"value" "13"



qualities are defined in tf2 item schema
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