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Return the ability to check the age of a Listing

♥Prof. Sugarcube♥

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I will continue to fix the bugs of this website!

...Without actually fixing them




Remember when you go to the classifieds and you clicked the time the listing was last bumped on?

It always gave you the proper age of the listing, how long ago it was actively listed

Now, it borks and just gives the bump time




Please Fiskie dear, sweetheart, fix? <3

Or McKay, another sweetheart, fixxy fixerooni? <3


It assists with suggestions that have no sales or outpost trades BUT sellers at ages below current price that could be used to effectively update said outdated hat


That DP Sack is worth 13.5, with 2 sellers at 12.5 and 12, it needs a drop, but it has no sales, and i don't know how long the trade has been out for

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Doesn't it need to be a 15% change, though? Or is my maths bad?


13.5 * .85 = 11.47500 


Suggestions still get accepted even at 90% tho

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