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I'll help out for a key


EDIT: Actually no, I would actually help you for free, but I'm busy as fuck tonight with college applications so I can't.

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I'll help out for a key


EDIT: Actually no, I would actually help you for free, but I'm busy as fuck tonight with college applications so I can't.

Well i'll just post the 2 issues i'm having: 



String y = "1.33-1.66";

int index = y.indexOf("-");

if (index != -1){

System.out.println(y + "," + index); //tester

y = y.substring(index+1);


Why is index coming back as -1 if a "-" is in the string? 


2) How would i assign an entire text file to a string? 

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1) comes back as 1.33-1.66,4


Keep in mind that "–" (Dash) is not equal to "-" (Hyphen/Minus)


2) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/326390/how-to-create-a-java-string-from-the-contents-of-a-file?answertab=votes#tab-top

i copy and pasted the "-" from the actual string yet it still comes back as -1.

Edit: nvm



And i saw that, but it didn't really help me figure out what to do :3 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Too lazy to make a new thread.....so


Given this string: "TR 1-WF 10-TR 12-R 3-MWF 1-MW 12-R 12-MW 2" [/size]

Whats the best way to filter out any conflicts? 


E.g. I need to look at all monday times and see if any are the same, then i need to look at all tuesday times and see if they conflict, and so on. 


So far i'm thinking: 


String mondayString = s;
int monday = mondayString.indexOf("M");
int spaceAfterMonday = mondayString.indexOf(" ");
String mondaySub = mondayString.substring(spaceAfterMonday, mondayString.indexOf("-")); //grab the time of the FIRST Monday slot
mondayString = mondayString.substring(mondayString.indexOf("-") + 1); //removes the first monday slot from the string
The only issue with that is i would have to make a new variable for each monday even, and i don't know how many monday events there are....although i could do an if statement to see if there are any mondays in the new string and if there are create a new variable and keep going until there are no more mondays, and then do the same for tuesday, etc...



//Not schoolwork

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Are you really sure, that's the way you want and need to represent data? How about some proper data structure?

i can.....i'm just too lazy too :3
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actually using any sort of data structure would be the lazy way

if you can explain the string format, I may be able to suggest you proper way of doing this...


anyways, to check for duplicates in constant time, you can use HashSet

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actually using any sort of data structure would be the lazy way

if you can explain the string format, I may be able to suggest you proper way of doing this...


anyways, to check for duplicates in constant time, you can use HashSet

Well, i'm writing a program which will list every possible combination of classes.


So right now, i have 8 strings each one is a "day/s time" and i'm writing each string into a large array which will store every class combination, and then i have two methods, one which filters out exact duplicates and the other which will filter out conflicts. So i'm thinking a quick and lazy way to do it would be to create an array for each class, pick a random index from each array, and then keep the objects in arrays and compare T arrays against other T arrays etc...

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