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Add search by collection


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can we have the choice to search by collections on classifieds. 


that would make our lives and buying habits easier.



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Could you specify what a "collection" would be?

Collections are the group/series of items inside a case/crate 


so when I want to complete my collections I wont have to remember each by name just search by crate and voila.


It is implemented on valve search on steam market and it really makes a difference on the way you search for items.

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Collections are the group/series of items inside a case/crate 


so when I want to complete my collections I wont have to remember each by name just search by crate and voila.


It is implemented on valve search on steam market and it really makes a difference on the way you search for items.

A simple alternative would be to search the crate in the search bar and view its contents on its stats page.


Step 1: Search in search bar "crate #[number]" replacing [number] with the crate number.

Step 2: Scroll down to the "Crate Contents" section

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Profit!


Every crate has a series #, including cases but excluding the stockpile crate, taunt reels, and Halloween 2014 unlocked crates. As long as you know the series # (which is the given in your situation), then you can easily see which items you're missing.

Just don't go search for Crate #38. Its contents section is bugged and only shows 3 of its contents...

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A simple alternative would be to search the crate in the search bar and view its contents on its stats page.


Step 1: Search in search bar "crate #[number]" replacing [number] with the crate number.

Step 2: Scroll down to the "Crate Contents" section

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Profit!


Every crate has a series #, including cases but excluding the stockpile crate, taunt reels, and Halloween 2014 unlocked crates. As long as you know the series # (which is the given in your situation), then you can easily see which items you're missing.

Just don't go search for Crate #38. Its contents section is bugged and only shows 3 of its contents...




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Add those along with Crate #38 to the "Contents Not Showing Bug" list. My point still stands.


He's asking for this feature because these lists are unavailable on the site.

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He's asking for this feature because these lists are unavailable on the site.

It sounds pretty pointless to add a feature for a mere 3 exceptions. Besides, the TF2 wiki already provides a list of all crates with their contents:




Even if backpack.tf doesn't show the contents, the list is merely 1 URL away.


Edit: Or you could get Brad/Fiskie to add the contents to the stats page rather than have them create a whole new feature for something that can already be done.

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