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November's Video Game War

♛ AlphaOmega ♛

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Well, war is a strong way of putting it.


Come this November, many anticipated games will hit shelves. 


-Star wars battlefront

-Halo 5

-Black ops 3 (woop woop)

-Fallout 4


There may be more, but these seem to be the big 4. 


Please no hate if you dont like COD or Halo or Whatever, but are you interested in these? And if you are, in what order would you be interested in them? 


PErsonally, I've been waiting for Treyarch's zombies for 2 years, since last year Sledgehammer took over and created a 2 year cycle. I played Star wars battlefront as a kid but not really into it. 




Fallout 4 though looks fantastic. I love the story, but havent played through many of their games. I plan to play through this one because it looks very intriguing. 

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I want Fallout 4 for the sole purpose of being able to make my own base and settlement. Like you do not understand how exciting that prospect is to me.

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In order of most to least interested:

Fallout 4: Assuming I can get a decent PC to run it, I would love to get this. Looks awesome and would be great for my first Fallout.

Battlefront: Interested, I want to see how DICE handles it; the beta gameplay I've seen looks great.

Halo 5: Never played a Halo game in my life shoot me, and aren't really interested, but it's nice they're using a new hero (the blue guy).

BO3: Not even mildly interested, I hate to beat a dead horse, but it's just another CoD game.

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I need it, I want it.

I've seen people complain about change but they clearly didn't play the original games before 3.


Battlefront looks amazing and even on the lowest it looks so good, unfortunately I can't run it without overheating.

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Mine would be the exact same as your list, OP, if I had an xbox one. So minus the Halo 5.


I'm just wondering how big Fallout and Battlefront are going to be. My ps4 hard drive is getting full :(

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Fallout 4 looks really cool but I really don't have anything to run it on.

I loved the Halo games but I'm not hyped for Halo 5.

Battlefront I feel will let me down because it won't be an exact copy of 2 and I'm too stubborn for change.

Black ops 3, meh. Black ops 2 was fun but I'm not expecting any wonders.

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I'll get star wars battlefront next year in a steam sale probably, I have fond memories of star wars battlefront but not 60 euros worth of fond memories

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I'll get star wars battlefront next year in a steam sale probably, I have fond memories of star wars battlefront but not 60 euros worth of fond memories

That needs to be a quote

Not 60 euros worth of. Find memories

Well battlefront looks good if they get or right

And noeping out of bo3 and halo

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I'll get star wars battlefront next year in a steam sale probably, I have fond memories of star wars battlefront but not 60 euros worth of fond memories

I'm pretty sure that it's going to be exclusively on Origin, just like all of EA's games for the past I don't know how long.

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Halo ended at 3 I dunno what you are talking about.

Call of Duty ended at MW2 also so really, what?

Star Wars Bad-lefront looks super disappointing and I'm glad I never got hype over it. Also no game is worth logging into Origin for.


I only care about Fallout 4.

War never changes.


also i think it's weird Bethesda didn't re-release Skyrim on Xbone and PS4 to run at 60 in 1080p, but I guess they are spending all their time and effort on Fallout 4 and TES:Online (the latter is a huge mistake because holy balls is it terrible)

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I'm pretty hyped for black ops 3, blops 1 and 2 were fun


I'll probably play campaign of halo


I've never played a fallout game before, so I'm pretty excited to try one out


and battlefront is fantastic

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Well, I'm building a pc so I can play battlefront :P

Will most likely get fallout 4 at some point too.

The other 2 I have no interest in. I'll only ever play Halo 3

and blops, well, just no.

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Fallout and Battlefront are my two main desires, but I know I'll pick up a lot more over the holiday season, mainly due to my goal of having a complete Xbox 360 retail library (only about 560 titles to go!)

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Well, war is a strong way of putting it, since basically there's only 1 game worthwhile.


Come this November, many anticipated games will hit shelves.


-Fallout 4 (woop woop)

-Fallout 4 (woop woop)

-Fallout 4 (woop woop)

-Fallout 4 (woop woop)


There may be more, but these seem to be the big 4. 


Please no hate if you dont like Fallout 4, however unless you haven't played the others, i'm pretty sure there's no way you can hate it.


PErsonally, I've been waiting for Bethesda's Fallout 4 for 7 years, since the last game New Vegas was made by Obsidian. I played Fallout 1 and 2 as a kid and i was really into it.


Fallout Tactics...meh.


Fallout 4 though looks fantastic. I love the story, but i have and i WILL PLAY MANY OF THEIR GAMES IN THE FUTURE WHILE I WAIT FOR FALLOUT 4. I plan to play through this one because it looks very intriguing. 


Fixed it for you, no need to thank me.

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Of all the games coming out in November, I'm most interested in pokemon super mystery dungeon. I really love that series, and I have no interest in the other games.

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blops 3 is the only one i'm interested just for the zombies, this fucking bs high tech multiplayer sucks, last cod game I liked was blops 2 and 1, I don't like the mw games or ghosts or advace warfare or whatever the hell its called

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey whoever is getting black ops 3 add me i love zombies.

Looking at you blaq


Totally would, problem is that I play on a PS4 and seeing as your list has Halo, i doubt we'd be able to party up :(


Hey I think u missed assassin's creed syndicate *crickets*
Oh yea ...
No one really cares...

Speaking of which..


..anybody know if it's any good or at least a worthwhile buy, beat and instasell? It's kinda hard to trust user reviews when everybody's on the AC hate bandwagon.

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