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Your best Subject in school?

Senpai Absol~

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Doesn't matter what grade you are in, middle school high school etc

Mine is History and Math, I always seem to get the best grades in there and I love History <333

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I used to had such a soft spot for history, i was genuinely intrigued by the topics we had. I also was pretty good at math and economics. 


Having a good teacher is a great influence of your interest in that subject.

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I've got decent grades all around in AP/Pre-AP classes, but the only class I ever really ENJOYED was Ceramics. 


I stayed after school for hours on end just working on the wheel. 

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All of them. I guess my best would be Math. I'm done with that though, I don't want to take linear. 


I'm doing cellular and molecular biology. 

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Religion, philosophy and ethics and biology i guess.

Everything else is kinda an average B, except for PE which I would contribute more by not turning up. 

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Any language i think, but probably my favourite is latin. Also i like economics and history, thats why i am doing law atm.

And yes, my profile picture is from a One Piece character called Law. Coincidence? Of course.

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Loved History, got shit grades even though I know a lot about it.

Bilingual (?) school, so I'm supposed to speak English well...

Great at arts and phys ed.


Also maths but I don't love maths.

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business and economics, kinda ironic that im addicted to trading


Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs.



A sequence of events that, although accidental, seems to have been planned or arranged.


I'm usually not a grammer nazi, but that is what really gets me. (I'm not even good at ELA Â¯\_(ツ)_/¯)


Oh and my best class is by far math but science is the most fun. I score better than over 99% of the US on most standardized math tests and I am a grade ahead so yeah. Okay, that sounded terrible although it may be true.

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