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Chemistry set on backpack.tf?


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There's something that really bugs me on backpack.tf, because of the price of the chemistry set.

I've already sold 2, 1 for 3 normal weapons and 1 for a Strange Shovel.

But the "actual" price is not on backpack.tf.

So what would be a good price?

0.16 refined?

1 refined?

0.55 refined?

So please post a price for the chemistry set in the comments below (Or is it called something else? I don't know...)



Vintage zigzagoon7


PS I'm new here, but not to TF2 and i am not F2P.


They can't really be priced, since

1.) Like with strangifiers they all are the same on stats, so there is no difference between the single ones (afaik)

2.) Even when we could set a price for a specific chemistry set (e.g. for summer shades) this would also be incorrect, because the sets for summer shades all require different intrigents to get a strangifier for summer shades


Chemistry sets won't be priced because the inputs required are so different and the output strangifiers have vastly different values. There's just no point


Chemistry sets won't be priced because the inputs required are so different and the output strangifiers have vastly different values. There's just no point

Thanks! :D


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