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bp.tf developer Question


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I just signed up for a Dev APIKEY as a friend and I have recently started making a Steam bot, I'm not sure if this is the best forum to ask this question but I figured there would be many experienced bot writers and coders here. The bot we are running is a node.js using Steam-TradeOffers by Alex7Kom, which I highly reccomend (https://github.com/Alex7Kom/node-steam-tradeoffers)

How can I make my bot extract the 'Get community prices' page so it'll understand the costs in the trade? Would I need to download the javascript page first or extract it straight from the Developer Center page? 

I'd like to be able to keep it in node.js, I don't mind downloading any more npm plugins. I'd just like the communities advice on how I could extract this information, just to value all items received. 

Thanks for all help in advance, rb

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found this usefull. As for how to extract the community prices (or atleast the entire pricelist file) use this:

/* Edit This */
var apiKey = "Put Backpack.tf API key here";
/* End Editing */

var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');

    var request = http.get("http://http://backpack.tf/api/IGetPrices/v4/?key=" + apiKey, function(response) {
    return file;

Other than that, I have been looking for information about priceindex. I'll post here when I have more info.

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