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Dem Uncraft HOUWARS


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Anyway, as you can see from this suggestion http://backpack.tf/vote/id/5254a9c24dd7b8ed548b4568 , the priced dropped partially due to me not defending enough. So, since the price is down...


Fuck it.


I'll just buy all of them. Immediately after the suggestion was accepted, I bought this guy's http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/14917086 (<--actual sale, this can be used as proof). According to Meet The Stats and Outpost, there are only 2 left: http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/10030852 and http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/14725707 I have my eyes totally focused on both. If any of you happen to find an uncraft houwar that isn't 1 of the 4, let me know


As a side note, for any of you that remembered that thread I made about a real life houwar...:http://oj.us.to/HoUWaR/

It's in its prototype phase, so that's why its pink. I'll most likely make some sort of SFM movie with me in real life wearing this in comparison to an in-game engi wearing this.


P.S. I didnt actually downvote the houwar suggestion. huehuehuehuehue


Oh hi.


Well normal houwars dropped too, so it's not that odd that the uc one will drop at the same rate. People usually don't want to overpay that much for a special collector status.


But yeah, if you buy the other one as well, the last two recent sales are 11-12 buds, how could that be wrong?^^


You're going to buy dupes as well?


On the Side Note, this hat will be rising like a fcking sht like Strange Archimedes.


Wish You Good Luck :P


Yep, even the duped ones. There are 4 uncraft houwars in total. Buying the clean one brings me down to 2 left.


I have a duped one, and i get random people adding me constantly trying to buy it ^_^


I have a duped one, and i get random people adding me constantly trying to buy it ^_^

You're Bratt Pitt. So I think you must get a lot of people adding you every day trying to buy every single piece of your stuff :D


I have a duped one, and i get random people adding me constantly trying to buy it ^_^

I'll take it off your hand for you. 


Welp...make that 5...



I'll take it off your hand for you. 



Welp...make that 5...




It's the same dupe as yours. Stats.tf counts only original ID's, that means even if you have the same duped houwar 3 times, it will just count as 1.


It's the same dupe as yours. Stats.tf counts only original ID's, that means even if you have the same duped houwar 3 times, it will just count as 1.

But i'd have 3 more houwars in my backpack to stare at.


Well, looks like user in http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/10030852 has been banned due to private bp, so idk if hes a scammer or anything...and im not tradin a scammer...soooo i guess its down to 4 again. .seY

he is no scammer. outpost just is a dick banning all people that get 100's of beggars a day. Many high tier traders have private bp's, and nothing wrong. https://steamrep.com/?id=76561198021658555 he is all clean as far as I can see


Let me take yours brad pitt, now, there are only 5 houwars in the world?


I have a duped one, and i get random people adding me constantly trying to buy it ^_^

Brad gib me ur stuffz plz


Brad gib me ur stuffz plz

if he gibs it then he will not be able to give it to you, sorry bro


if he gibs it then he will not be able to give it to you, sorry bro


That sentence lacks any logic.


You should really be restricted to the Great Below...


if he gibs it then he will not be able to give it to you, sorry bro




I'll be back for your HOUWAR brad. Others to buy first


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