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Strange Decorated Weapons in the classifieds

Laughing 'Can' 86

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I've been trying to come up with a search that will show me strange skins in the classifieds, but they don't seem to be listed under strange or decorated qualities. Am I just not seeing them? Is there a search that would make them easier to find?

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I know I'm a couple of days late but: Without searching for a specific item (or using URL manipulation) this is the most refined search you can currently do to find Strange skins: http://backpack.tf/classifieds/?craftable=1&australium=-1&slot=primary,secondary&quality=11

Searching that I had to go up to page 107 before I found a skin listed (a Strange Low Profile SMG (Field-Tested) being sold for 3.33 ref).

However I mentioned URL manipulation at the beginning. Even though it isn't listed in the search preferences if you expand the classifieds for a skin you can see there are fields that specify wear and skin.

Using the Strange Field-Tested Low Profile as an example: backpack.tf/classifieds?item=SMG&quality=11&tradable=1&skin=Low+Profile&wear=2

If you wanted to search for all Strange Low Profiles regardless of wear you would just remove the last query string and get this: backpack.tf/classifieds?item=SMG&quality=11&tradable=1&skin=Low+Profile

Meanwhile if you wanted to search for all Strange Field-Tested skins you simply remove the item and skin query strings: backpack.tf/classifieds/?quality=11&tradable=1&wear=2

Now while some query strings allow multiple values, like the quality field: backpack.tf/classifieds/?quality=11,5&tradable=1&wear=2 where both 11 (Strange) and 5 (Unusual) both work, it appears that the wear field only accepts a single value meaning if you do add multiple values to it with URL manipulation it will only show results for the first wear value listed.

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