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Personal favorite unusual combos and a request

= ocu = dvnhancock

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My favorite combo is white energy + frostbite 


My request is a unusual combo I've been waiting to see Darkblaze + spellbound + eerie orbiting fire If someone has the hats or sfm to create this please share 


What combo do you like? 

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You could either be the guy with the "Look at me I'm so rich" set with Burning, Scorching, and Sunbeams.


I do perfer the White Triple Pentagrams/White Energy + Frostbite set. Just fits so well.


Oh and Frostbite + Blizz Storm. Literal cool stuff there.

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The only triple effect combo I've ever owned was Anti-Freeze + Haunted Ghosts + G. Fetti which looked nice enough but is far from a great triple set (at least it was all green) :3


I love triple bats (SBTWC, Shadows and Venenata) together. 


I'm still waiting for a third ice themed effect so I can have Frostbite + Blizzardy + new frost effect on my medic

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