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How cleverpun and key suggestors are similiar


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Both have to see a lot of shit on key suggestions

Both are hated a lot by the highly intelligent key commentators


Obviously cleverpun should make key suggestions!

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Both have to see a lot of shit on key suggestions

Both are hated a lot by the highly intelligent key commentators


Obviously cleverpun should make key suggestions!

Since this is not in the great below, I'm assuming you're serious.


Bad idea. Backpack.tf has had so much "modz r mehnipulating key pricez" crap. The last thing we want is mods suggesting key prices.

I know, and every sane person does, that the mods won't manipulate key prices. What on earth do they have to gain????


But for the public image of backpack.tf this is a terrible idea

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yeah, what the hell was going on in your mind when you made that?


You're like always serious and pretty good at this. This is so not you

I might have gotten annoyed at all the people refusing to be objective, and I might have rushed the proof slightly in order to get it up faster. I'm not perfect, no one is.

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I might have gotten annoyed at all the people refusing to be objective, and I might have rushed the proof slightly in order to get it up faster. I'm not perfect, no one is.

Alright well, it just seemed so much not you

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Brad got one accepted at some point in time. See, if cleverpun did the suggestion it could just warn the comments against it's proof. Yes cleverpun is an it like pyro

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