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Need some help with some stuff

-=GHS=- Mario

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I main spy and I want to eventually get into competitive and I would like some tips  






I haven't bought quick sell unusuals with pure in awhile so I would also like some tips on that too 




Thanks :3

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Spy sshould go for my picks like med heavy demo n engie if there is a level 3. Spy should alert team of enemy location, etc. as they can disguise and be invisible. Disguises are pretty much useless cuz pyro.


Spy is a bad class.

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1. Use this Invis watch whenever you can so you could practise your positioning and movements. Excessive use of dead ringer will only lead to a lack of gamesense.

2. The most important picks are med, demo, sniper, or sentries. Even if you sap the sentry but fail to kill the engie, your team can destroy it easily.

3. Scout disguise is the best, but everything is situational. I.e. Engie disguise can allow you to run in opposite direction such as spawns because that's what engines will do. Even soldier disguise is useful sometimes, pull out your escape plan when the enemy soldier aka your disguise is at low health will look very convincing.

4. Create paranoia.

5. NEVER Negoect the fact that you have a gun, some teams even treat spy as a second sniper, dm as much as you can in long ranges.

6. You have to be active in mumble, calling out information such as enemy uber percentage, health, enemy positioning, etc.

7. Learn how to act, this is very important

8. Do not be over reliant on your disguise, good opponents can spot you instantaneously, so disguises are pretty much used to fool sentries only, your movements is of paramount importance.

9. Practise.

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I've never played comp spy myself, but I've seen some pretty bad ones while playing in comp.



Use the Cloak and Dagger. Promotes too much sitting on your lazy ass instead of doing your job. The best spies I've seen use DR or stock.

Disguise as Medic. The Medic is the most important class, never ever disguise as him, you'll get picked before you can even get a shot off.

Use YER. No reason to use it assuming both teams are competent. You'll get called as soon as you make a stab if you even get close enough for one.


Like Awake said, never forget the fact that you also have a gun. The stock revolver actually does decent damage and is useful for lighting targets so teammates can finish them.

If you're good with headshots, Amby all day every day. Nothing more annoying or deadly than a good Amby spy.

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I've never played comp spy myself, but I've seen some pretty bad ones while playing in comp.



Use the Cloak and Dagger. Promotes too much sitting on your lazy ass instead of doing your job. The best spies I've seen use DR or stock.

Disguise as Medic. The Medic is the most important class, never ever disguise as him, you'll get picked before you can even get a shot off.

Use YER. No reason to use it assuming both teams are competent. You'll get called as soon as you make a stab if you even get close enough for one.


Like Awake said, never forget the fact that you also have a gun. The stock revolver actually does decent damage and is useful for lighting targets so teammates can finish them.

If you're good with headshots, Amby all day every day. Nothing more annoying or deadly than a good Amby spy.

I pretty much agree with those points except for the first one.

Yep c&d is a garbage watch in pubs, but it's actually quite useful in competitive. It can be used for taking down sentries or dropping medics, for example, if you're on attack On badwater, c&d is useful for taking down the sentry on the cliff. But still, c&d is very situational and doesn't have much versatility comparing to the Invis watch and dead ringer.

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You'll be just another one in the horde of new spy mains.


But if you insist, practice in lobbies, and LEARN TO GODDAMN CALL POSITIONS. Nothing is more important on spy IMO.


Also learn to coordinate pushes with your team, as in go for a sap when they uber and such. If you play lonewolf MLG trickstab spy you ain't got a bright future ahead of you.

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