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Anyone play Smash 4?

glue residue

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I do on my 3ds.

Which characters do you main?????????? (if you have the game)

I main Mr. G & W + Toon Link

inb4 get out console pleb

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We have threads every few months, it's a shame they always get archived.


Mario main here.

I wish I was good with lucas so I could feel like I spent my 5 nintendobux well.

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Dr. Mario would be my main, but I prefer to use Random.


I've also gotta nice-sized amiibo army at 23 smash characters.

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I play in (and more often than not win) my regional tournament every other week.


I main ROB, Wario, Mario and starting to dabble in Olimar (kite game 2 stronk)

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Can you main if you're bad?


Zamus and Samus are who I use the most.



Fox and Marth are the other two I use on occasion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Zamus and Samus are who I use the most.


Fox and Marth are the other two I use on occasion.



I main Marth and Zero Suit Samus.

I also sub Pit, Ryu, Kirby, and Sheik.


No offense, but anyone I see who uses Zamus, Sheik or Fox I automatically assume are tryhards who only use the top tier characters

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No offense, but anyone I see who uses Zamus, Sheik or Fox I automatically assume are tryhards who only use the top tier characters

I used Zamus before Smash wii u came out, so that really doesn't apply to me. Shiek was because of ZeRo.


>Smash 4 Marth

>Top Tier Character

ayy lmao

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