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Add Cool-Down To Buds / Change All Unusuals To Keys


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Since the buds have been falling down fast. A cool down should be put into place just like the keys to prevent them from crashing so hard so fast.


Also adding onto the buds falling, all unusuals should be changed from buds to keys. With unusuals being tied into cash, when the buds go down (like they are right now) its making all the prices out of wack. Changing all of the prices to keys would prevent the prices from going out of wack


Post your thoughts below.


Thanks c:

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Yeah I've been getting pissed off how the buds have been overloaded with suggestions recently and every time they drop, any unusual priced in buds becomes inaccurate.


I also agree unusuals should be priced in keys, same goes for all expensive items.

Buds just aren't steady enough to be used as a currency!


I'm pretty sure there was a logistical issue with storing prices in keys, but USD is technically a better currency to store prices in, as i adjust prices based on USD not keys/buds. The issue is more how key/bud-usd values are obtained based on Ref which tends to push them higher than they should be. 


I'm pretty sure there was a logistical issue with storing prices in keys, but USD is technically a better currency to store prices in, as i adjust prices based on USD not keys/buds. The issue is more how key/bud-usd values are obtained based on Ref which tends to push them higher than they should be. 

Not everyone lives in the US.


Not everyone lives in the US.

except the majority of sellers/buyers want usd, just look at SOP very rarely do you see anyone asking for anything other than usd. 


I also agree unusuals should be priced in keys, same goes for all expensive items.

Buds just aren't steady enough to be used as a currency!


I have mentioned this and agree. All unusuals should be priced in keys. This would clear up the "conversion problem" that everyone wants fixed.


i dont care how unusuals are stored. just that they are stable. but right now i dont care. ive "made" a bud each on all my 5+bud unusuals


Since the buds have been falling down fast. A cool down should be put into place just like the keys to prevent them from crashing so hard so fast.


Also adding onto the buds falling, all unusuals should be changed from buds to keys. With unusuals being tied into cash, when the buds go down (like they are right now) its making all the prices out of wack. Changing all of the prices to keys would prevent the prices from going out of wack


Post your thoughts below.


Thanks c:

Ref is better, keys change in value too


But the Scorching KE: 1036 keys or 6217 ref


Plus if buds are crashing in actuality then no barrier should be made. The key barrier was just to block the pure stupidity.


Ref is better, keys change in value too


But the Scorching KE: 1036 keys or 6217 ref


Plus if buds are crashing in actuality then no barrier should be made. The key barrier was just to block the pure stupidity.

except people adjust prices based on keys (or usd), not ref.


Ref is better, keys change in value too


But the Scorching KE: 1036 keys or 6217 ref


Plus if buds are crashing in actuality then no barrier should be made. The key barrier was just to block the pure stupidity.

I agree. Imposing a cooldown limit will cause backpack to be less accurate.


I agree. Imposing a cooldown limit will cause backpack to be less accurate.

what about the key cooldown? its virtually the same thing


I asked for the same thing here:





"This continual dropping of buds so shortly after the other is making a lot of bud sellers scared and jumping ship crashing the market
Shouldnt there be a cool down for earbuds as well? so many suggestions dropping it shortly after the other are mainly people scared and selling it for lower due to speculation created from the previous drop"

I asked for the same thing here:





"This continual dropping of buds so shortly after the other is making a lot of bud sellers scared and jumping ship crashing the market


Shouldnt there be a cool down for earbuds as well? so many suggestions dropping it shortly after the other are mainly people scared and selling it for lower due to speculation created from the previous drop"

If they are jumping ship, IT NEEDS A DROP! how is this so hard to understand?

If they are jumping ship, IT NEEDS A DROP! how is this so hard to understand?



I reached my like limit


If they are jumping ship, IT NEEDS A DROP! how is this so hard to understand?

Yeah so we should continually drop the price of buds from a people in the minorities jumping ship every time? Every time a currency goes down a small amount of people panic and sell for slightly cheaper us pricing based on them means bp leading the market and forcing a crash.


What is so hard to understand that we should have a small cool down so bp doesnt end up leading the market instead of following it?


want a good example? I could have made the bmoc crash to 11 keys when either me or someone else made a suggestion dropping the bmoc a day after the previous suggestion and many people got scared and jumped ship. I could have easily priced it at 12-13 keys the day after but decided to give it a rest and after a few days market settled at 13 keys. If i decided to make a suggestion lowering it, probably would have dropped a lot more and continue dropping. Again continual pricing down or up items so shortly after each other ends up with bp leading instead of following the market.


Since the buds have been falling down fast. A cool down should be put into place just like the keys to prevent them from crashing so hard so fast.


Also adding onto the buds falling, all unusuals should be changed from buds to keys. With unusuals being tied into cash, when the buds go down (like they are right now) its making all the prices out of wack. Changing all of the prices to keys would prevent the prices from going out of wack


Post your thoughts below.


Thanks c:

why we should give a safety zone to buds?

the site reflect the trends and if buds are dropping fast that must be reflected as accurate as possible.


Yeah so we should continually drop the price of buds from a people in the minorities jumping ship every time? Every time a currency goes down a small amount of people panic and sell for slightly cheaper us pricing based on them means bp leading the market and forcing a crash.


What is so hard to understand that we should have a small cool down so bp doesnt end up leading the market instead of following it?


want a good example? I could have made the bmoc crash to 11 keys when either me or someone else made a suggestion dropping the bmoc a day after the previous suggestion and many people got scared and jumped ship. I could have easily priced it at 12-13 keys the day after but decided to give it a rest and after a few days market settled at 13 keys. If i decided to make a suggestion lowering it, probably would have dropped a lot more and continue dropping. Again continual pricing down or up items so shortly after each other ends up with bp leading instead of following the market.

it is all about demand and offer right now the offer is bigger than the demand.

and that is reflected in the market and as such must be reflected to the bp.tf price sheets.


you know how many ppl jumped ships with the diary suggestions?

why you expect a different approach for the buds.


why we should give a safety zone to buds?

the site reflect the trends and if buds are dropping fast that must be reflected as accurate as possible.



it is all about demand and offer right now the offer is bigger than the demand.

and that is reflected in the market and as such must be reflected to the bp.tf price sheets.


you know how many ppl jumped ships with the diary suggestions?

why you expect a different approach for the buds.


I agree on the trends..etc but there is a difference between dropping things so to reflect the trends and dropping it so shortly after the other that it forces a crash. We are simply asking for maybe a few days for the market to settle down before pricing it again. The diary didnt have suggestions dropping it every day


We are talking about suggestions which drop the price of buds immediately after the previous. Safety zone? Look at the bmoc it shot up and then dropped like a rock because people kept suggesting prices for it immediately. Everyday people saw a green arrow on the bmoc and thought that it was going up and it drove the prices insane then they saw a red arrow everyday and it dropped to hell. Again what i said before, if i had decided to drop it imediately after my 13 key suggestion (a easy 12-13 keys suggestion) instead of waiting it out it probably would have crashed a lot harder; but because i waited a few days it settled at 13 keys.


Yeah so we should continually drop the price of buds from a people in the minorities jumping ship every time? Every time a currency goes down a small amount of people panic and sell for slightly cheaper us pricing based on them means bp leading the market and forcing a crash.


What is so hard to understand that we should have a small cool down so bp doesnt end up leading the market instead of following it?


want a good example? I could have made the bmoc crash to 11 keys when either me or someone else made a suggestion dropping the bmoc a day after the previous suggestion and many people got scared and jumped ship. I could have easily priced it at 12-13 keys the day after but decided to give it a rest and after a few days market settled at 13 keys. If i decided to make a suggestion lowering it, probably would have dropped a lot more and continue dropping. Again continual pricing down or up items so shortly after each other ends up with bp leading instead of following the market.


Check trade.tf for the trend of both of those items. If the b.m.o.c. had droped further many would have bought them up believing it will go back up based on the trend. That would create a natural bottom for the drop. Buds did not need a cool down when it hit 21. It stayed there for some time. Right now people want keys and there enough people who will speculate on the bud to buy them up. I know several traders that would rather have keys than buds anyway. Even if they would have hundreds of keys. Buds should go back up in yhe aftermath of halloween but naybe people won't really believe that until the stops rising.


Check trade.tf for the trend of both of those items. If the b.m.o.c. had droped further many would have bought them up believing it will go back up based on the trend. That would create a natural bottom for the drop. Buds did not need a cool down when it hit 21. It stayed there for some time. Right now people want keys and there enough people who will speculate on the bud to buy them up. I know several traders that would rather have keys than buds anyway. Even if they would have hundreds of keys. Buds should go back up in yhe aftermath of halloween but naybe people won't really believe that until the stops rising.

All of this really goes back to the question of how much of an effect backpack prices have on actual sales. For example, the airborne kills part is still outdated and low; myself and others were making large profits off of them far beyond the backpack price. However, it can't be denied that many bud sellers have decided to take less in light of the recent drops. It's difficult to ascertain if they are dropping their prices because of backpack or if backpack is simply reporting the trends. 


The b.m.o.c. price is pure speculation. It is just as likely people read our thread on them or realized independantly that there was too hoarded to actually have a real price hike.



Edit: or some of the bmoc hoarders actually decided to cash out pre halloween.


I agree on the trends..etc but there is a difference between dropping things so to reflect the trends and dropping it so shortly after the other that it forces a crash. We are simply asking for maybe a few days for the market to settle down before pricing it again. The diary didnt have suggestions dropping it every day


We are talking about suggestions which drop the price of buds immediately after the previous. Safety zone? Look at the bmoc it shot up and then dropped like a rock because people kept suggesting prices for it immediately. Everyday people saw a green arrow on the bmoc and thought that it was going up and it drove the prices insane then they saw a red arrow everyday and it dropped to hell. Again what i said before, if i had decided to drop it imediately after my 13 key suggestion (a easy 12-13 keys suggestion) instead of waiting it out it probably would have crashed a lot harder; but because i waited a few days it settled at 13 keys.

Well that is to be expected.same thing happens to fireproof diary that have trigger my inner rage 2 days ago I don't see why buds must be treated in a special way given the rarity on both i only expect buds to drop lower than those so the balance be achieved once more.


as bmocs concerned you dont need to rise it or lower it buds will drop below bmoc the offer for buds is huge wile the demand for bmocs can only grow till christmass


Well that is to be expected.same thing happens to fireproof diary that have trigger my inner rage 2 days ago I don't see why buds must be treated in a special way given the rarity on both i only expect buds to drop lower than those so the balance be achieved once more.


as bmocs concerned you dont need to rise it or lower it buds will drop below bmoc the offer for buds is huge wile the demand for bmocs can only grow till christmass


Price will not go up much higher. Plenty of people supplying this item and manner accept it as payment for unusuals as well. Thr headcase will likely stay to yet.


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