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Mr.NOPE-What can i do?


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So the last 2 hours ive been receiving trade offers from this guy http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198190351021

And the trade offer is always the same https://gyazo.com/7d22d1d77229250b35f3f2236ec55c39(that´s just random craft weps, no killstreaks, nothing).


Ive already blocked the guy but i keep receiving, what can i do to stop this guy?


(And I´m Sorry I dont know if this is the right place to post this)

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This is not going to sound really helpful, but if you blocked him on steam you shouldn't be able to recieve trade offers from him anymore though..

You sure he's blocked or that it's the same guy sending you trade offers and not someone with a similar name?  :wacko:



You can always add him and nicely tell him you are not interested in his trade offers.

Change you trade offer link?

Or you can just ignore his trade offers and he'll probably give up after a while. I get those kind of trade offers on a daily basis and I just ignore them. 

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