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Pro Tips for WINNING on sweetstakes.tf


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These tips helped my buddies WIN 200+ keys on sweetstakes.tf with these simple tactics



Or you can just get SUPER lucky and win ~$10,000 (4,023 keys) Pots with a 0.47% chance :P

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sweetstakes is dead, give me a break. Besides, no matter what, it's still gambling and there's still a risk.

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Definitely not dead, the site is actually very active, theres new pots going up nonstop.


And yes of course, gambling is always a risk no matter what, but for those who choose to gamble, u can heavily improve your odds of winning this way ;)

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What i can see from preview: Abuse outdated values.

pretty much

but who needs skill and thought when you can win 4000 keys with a mindless bet

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Yep, Geel has changed the timer and pot size in order to tone down on the "teaming up" used for sniping items and rigging pots, but abusing old prices can still be done to improve odds.


The irony is yes, sometimes .47% chance is all you need to win :P

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Very late.

The black rose, temporarily craftable due to a bug from the gun mettle update, was widely abused in lotto and sweetstakes because of its high value and its easiness in obtaining it. Spy weapons are cleared out from scrap.tf and other major scrapbanking sites due to people mass crafting spy knives with a chance to get a 'crafted' black rose. Its price was removed due to this and a new price is suggested after the bug has been addressed.

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I feel like people resent that four thousand key winner for having been so lucky. That's the name of the game, that's why people play sweepstakes. It is poetic to me.


And on topic, this tactic is a well documented phenomena

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Sorry for your loss Avenger, but now u know how it works if u ever make a comeback :P


Congrats on winning the bills W+M1 Pyro :D


@Happysedits I think a lot of online forum users default to being negative and hyper critical no matter what, fortunatenly they are rarely ever content creators who understand the process, so their negative "opinions" are pretty irrelevant.

I checked out your channel and looks great, covering a lot of unique trading stuff (unusual weapons, skins, etc..) that we don't see from popular youtubers too often.

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