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Alot of things are going in my life right now, SAT exam, school british exams, saudi douche exams, being a teacher, enjoying the last year of many of my friends in this country, and alot of issues with the family. I really think i have to take a break from the internet life, i might not entirely leave, but i will no longer have access to my PC (unless weekends, special events or sneaking to it heuheuheu). I like really need to concentrate on my studies and all, internet just takes alot of my time doing not really important things in life, i have to accept the fact that i have to focus more on "real" life. Internet has always been an awesome place to go to and have a laugh and enjoy my time, but i don't think i have to take it over my studies and being a teacher.


*words, 2many of them*


i just wanted to say big thank you from my heart to each and every single one of you out there to make my internet experience alot more fun and exciting than i excepted it to be, i will always remember the nice and doofus retarded moments we made together :P Thanks for being one of the best (if not THE best) communities out there.

Take care everyone, enjoy all your moments and don't take life easy, trust me, you will regret it later.


Your Friend,

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